Sup? Ok so life is moving really slow, but really fast. Its weird. The beginning of this week feels like forever ago. Anyways - life is super cool. Im happy, super happy. But I'm tired, super tired. Ive met tons of new people this week and it seems like where I live you just never stop meeting new people. I've always been the type to have a couple really good friends. Never the one to feel bad about myself if I stayed home on a friday night to hang out with my parents or just watch a movie by myself. But I am now trying to get used to the total opposite while living up here. I was talking to shawnee one night and mentioned how grateful I am for the opportunity to make so many new friends, but then I told her I sometimes miss when we were each other's only friends haha. Me and shawnee still do pretty much everything together. If one of needs to go grocery shopping - we go together. Or studying at the library - we go together. Working out? yep together. Its a good system we have.

We also go to institute together and accidentally wear the same clothes.
Talking to drew!! I actually love being up here on monday's because drew calls me. When Im at home he just calls the fam, but its nice to really talk with him. He's doing well, teaching a lot of lessons, and experiencing Wyoming to the fullest.

Random picture of a lazy morning doing some school and taking a break to lay on the floor. It actually feels really good on my SI joints so I find it an oddly comforting position. Speaking of my lovely SI joints - they are doing OK. My normal day to day routines hardly notice any pain. It's when I run around with friends or do leg day that the pain will hit me, but overall Im doing really well. Seriously, no recent break downs from my pain. Woohoo, we'll take it! This week has also been filled with a lot of movie nights, game nights, and going out with friends for dinner and ice cream. My weekend, however, has been a much needed break. I recently started babysitting/nannying for a family up here. The Warner family - relatives of our neighbors in stg - and I freaking love them. There are four kids from ages 8 to 15. I babysat them Tuesday night and now friday through monday. Its been a blast, but I'm tired. I applaud mothers hard core. I cant even begin to memorize each kids schedule from baseball practice to dance to piano and so forth. Cant forget the non stop cleaning and cooking cycle. Oh and I really don't know how the mom's that go back to school do it. I haven't even had time to look at my school the last couple of days... crazy. But it has been a super awesome break from living at the crazy college housing and staying up way too late. The nice thing is that the kids can mostly take care of themselves. We spent all day saturday at Provo Beach. We partied hard all day. Ropes course, bowling, laser tag, arcade games and ice cream. The kids actually wanted to go to bed early that night.

Tommy and Luke - the littles
Getting our energy back with some ice-cream.
My phone is full of pictures like this one. Lets just say it didnt take long for the kids to warm up to me.
Last but not least - the boys were super offended that I had never seen star wars. They took matters into their own hands and we watched the first three star wars movies. Pretty good, not gonna lie. I haven't babysat in what seems like forever, but Im so happy to be doing it again. Good little college job. It's about 11pm and the kids gotta leave to school by 7:25 tomorrow morning! eek so Imma head to bed. Miss you Fam - See you soon though!!
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