Well, this blog is about to be quite the novel. Between Christmas Eve, Christmas day and the New Year there is a lot to be documented. First of all, Congratulations to all for making it to 2021. To be honest, I hate how everyone speaks about 2020 in such a negative way. Ya sure a lot of crap went down but that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone had the crappiest year ever. I had a pretty decent year... I moved out, started nursing school, was able to work a lot due to covid making school online, Drew left on his mission, we spent tons of family time and (knock on wood) but we've all been pretty healthy this year. Trials such as the pandemic shouldn't RUIN our year. It's all in our attitudes people!! This year Ive had quite the trial, and yea somedays SUCK. This doesn't necessarily mean life has been miserable every waking second. I don't know I just think people need to look for the good ya know? I guess easier said than done, but still. Anyways to begin this blog me and the bestie shawnee decided for our christmas presents this year we were just going to make T-shirts together of our fav band. I thought this was a great idea because she is the best gift giver and I suck at giving gifts so I always just feel stupid every christmas. Our fav band is Lany and all their merch is too expensive so we bought these cheap t-shirts and got to work!

I don't have a picture of the final product, but they turned out ok haha.
Christmas Eve is easily the longest day of the year - at least it feels that way. I sure do love our tradition of hiking around dixie rock and the crack. We met up with the staheli's and played around for awhile. Look at how pretty of a day it was! I would take clear skies and warmer temps over a white christmas any day!
Jack requested this picture - looks real to me.
We all successfully made it through the crack.
Its always an accomplishment to still be able to fit.
After some morning hiking we head over to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. Christmas eve evening we usually meet up with our Wells side but we did that a little earlier this year. The rest of our day was spent going on a bike ride, watching christmas movies and getting really excited for the next morning as seen in the picture below.

We all cozied up in the basement and watched home alone - classic. This year was little different without drew around. He was sent plenty of packages from family so he was ok. Doing well in the middle of nowhere Wyoming. I think the thing I missed most was his excitement. Even last year being 18 years old, drew is thee most excited kid about christmas. I love it. I slept well that night - not sure if the boys slept that much. They were in my room right at 7am, as usual. We headed on downstairs to the parentals room where we waited for the ok from dad. I got a lot of biking gear, clothes, money and other stuff. The family got an occulus VR thing which has been a hit. Jack got his spin scooter and seth got some nice fishing gear and skis.

My favorite part of the day is breakfast with the fam. Mel made some delicious biscuits and gravy which is what I look forward to every year. Im grateful to live near all my family. Love spending christmas with family or spending conference weekend with them in Pine valley or having them come over for summer bbq's and swimming. Its the best. Spent the rest of the day playing with our new toys. All the neighbor kids were out and about on their new rides.
Seth being a weirdo as always. That night we had the family over at our place for some homemade cafe rio. We hung out, played duets on the piano, played the occulus, some ping pong and family feud.
Grandma killing it on the VR.

Jackie got to speak in church on sunday. Four youth speakers taught us about the new youth program thing where we need to make goals to help us spiritually, intellectually, physically and socially. Jack taught us the importance of being social. Social skills are so important for future careers, missions, dating and so forth. The sad thing is technology is making being truly social a difficult thing. As a family we are making two goals in each topic for this next year. I love goals so Im stoked for it. I always seem to make goals, but the new year is especially exciting more motivating to make and keep new goals. Some of my goals this year include saying morning prayers (spiritual), being able to do 5 pull ups (physical), studying school each day for an hour - may not seem like a lot but if you know me I need to work on studying more (intellectual), and last but not least - find a nice good looking man to date (social). Goals are the best, but dang I gotta lot of work to do.

Random picture of us going to get some dinner.
Seth never wants to be in my pictures.
MRI time. Its been about a year since I got my first MRI so since my pain is still around we figured I needed another one. I forgot how terrible they are, but this one was actually better than my first one. This new MRI showed nothing wrong with my hip which is great news. However it did show increased sacroilitis or inflammation / edema in both my SI Joints. So we are thinking (seems like me, my mom and dad are always brainstorming new treatments) the next move is to stop with my NSAIDS and start a series of PRP injections over the next few months. I received PRP and stem cell last year in my R SI joint but it didnt seem to do anything. Hopefully a series will hit it a little harder and allow for better healing. Another one of my goals is to obviously recover from this injury. Its been pretty exhausting over the last year but I still have hope it can get better.

New Years Eve wasnt too special. I worked and then came home and watched a movie with my parents. New years day however we got to swim at the DSU pool. Hot tubbed, jumped off the diving board, had races and pulled out the paddle board. I sure do miss being a student at DSU and using the HPC. Today (jan. 2nd) we headed back over to the HPC for some rock climbing. It sure is nice having hookups.

I used to come here with my friends all the time and I've missed it so much! this was the first time the family got to try it out and now all the boys are wanting a season pass to the new climbing gym in town. Safe to say they enjoyed it. After climbing we headed to Texas Roadhouse for lunch. We are doing a family 24 hour fast, actually for me to get better. Big lunch at 1pm and we'll resume eating tomorrow at 2pm. I have experienced multiple miracles through fasting and Im grateful my family especially my brothers are doing this to help me. Life is good and I really am looking forward to this new year and all the exciting things in the future. I move up to Orem on friday next week and Im super excited to start school again. Right now its the beginning of a new semester stress with clinical paperwork, schedules and prepping for new classes, but Im excited. I have four days at the VA and two days at UNI nueropsych unit. Last but not least I have to document this meme... y'all might not get it, but I think its hilarious.

So the joke is its Zac efron on a nephron. The funniest part was one of the comments said " What? Zac efron in a lung?" haha. I love memes.
happy new year y'all. much love.
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