Sheesh finally blogging after hours of messing with my hotspot... anyways, howdy! This week has been boring, not gonna lie. When you live alone, in the middle of a pandemic may I add, life can be very monotonous. I was actually really looking forward to this week because I had plans with some friends from the ward and my europe friends, but due to new restrictions they all bailed. I get it, we need to follow rules and be safe, but dang rona is not helping me out when it comes to my social life. So instead this week has seriously just been me, myself and I. I stay in my pjs and study most the day, then around 4pm I change into work out clothes and try to do something to stay in shape. Ive been taking walks in the evenings to get myself out of the house and to hopefully get my back loosened up somehow. I find its a nice time to think. Or listen to talks. Or calling my family and friends. And to just get some fresh air to stay sane.

This was a picture from my walk monday evening... I limped my way around the park and was just frustrated with how much discomfort I was in for a dang WALK! During my recent studies the scripture stating "Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you" has been coming up quite regularly. Ive been thinking about it for weeks and duh Ive been praying for help with this trial for months now. Im not sure if this week was different or if I just noticed it, but I was so exhausted from this pain and I let Heavenly Father know. I woke up the next morning and I kid you not I have felt so good since. Like I said, Im sure this isn't the first time the Lord has given me a break from my pain, but it makes a whole difference knowing it wasnt a coincidence and that he is there helping me out. I decided to try running again... ya that still hurt, but Im just happy I can live my life and not notice pain with every little activity I do. Ill take what I can get!!! Thank goodness for miracles and tender mercies!!

These mountains have lit up every night with the sunset and I lovee it! I could do without living in the snow, but dang it makes the mountains pretty. Speaking of living in the snow... only one more week up here. To be honest, I would've left a while ago, but I study so much better up here with no one around. Definitely one of the perks to living as a loner... studying all day long. Wednesday and Thursday are my dedicated school days.

This picture was taken Thursday night. I had been sitting in this same spot from 9am-9pm. Five hours of online lectures, some hours of studying, taking a test and doing a couple homework assignments. At least I enjoy the stuff Im studying. Now for the juicy stuff... I do sometimes hang out with people. Really only sometimes though because most my friends live at least 30 minutes away. But this week I had a date for friday night. I honestly don't remember the last time I went on a date so it felt good to get out and pretend the world wasnt shunning social gatherings. Caden picked me up at shawnees house and he had made reservations at this brazilian place, Tucanos. Neither of us had ever been there before, so we didnt really know what to expect, but it was so cool. Pretty much, your "waiters" aka the "meat guys" come around with skewers of different kinds of meat and you can eat as much or as little as you want. Our meat guy started us off with some skewers of chicken. He told us he had spicy chicken, parmesan chicken and chicken hearts. I do a double take, look him in the eyes and say "huh, did you say chicken hearts?" yep I heard it right... chicken hearts. Well I aint no sissy, so I tried a little chicky heart. They aren't bad. Honestly if he didnt tell me it was a heart I would've asked for another, but knowing it was a heart I figured one was plenty. We also had garlic beef, med-rare steak, salmon, and I tried some mango glazed fried fish that was top notch. So overall rating 10/10. cool place. Then we went segwaying (I have no clue how to spell that) around the park and fed some duckies. I normally hate going on dates, but maybe I've missed dating a little bit. OHHH and to add to the story haha so like 30 minutes before leaving to provo, I was getting ready and I needed to put an extra hole in my belt so as I'm carving away I somehow slit my thumb. I didnt feel much so I kept cutting until I realized the knife, my belt and my thumb were dripping in blood. So I take care of it, hold a paper towel on my thumb, but guys it wouldn't stop bleeding. And I still needed to blow dry my hair. And to make matters worse I have no bandaids.

This was after 10 minutes of holding pressure - it would not stop bleeding!!
DIY life hack - paper towel + saran wrap. I should've taken a picture after a few minutes of having this on because it was just drenched in blood, but it held the blood in enough so that I could do my hair haha.
Post date update on the cut. Ive just had to avoid using it the past few days because its pretty sore. Kinda funny though. And now we are back to sunday... today I went to church. We are back to only 1 hour due to covid, but Ill take it. Afterwards I drove to some near by temples to write in my journal and hang out.
I love being able to see 3 temples from my house!! so cool! If only they were open :,(
So i also visited the draper temple, and all I gotta say is that the houses around that temple are a joke! easily the biggest houses I've ever seen. I cant imagine living in something like that, I mean the view is great, but unless you have a family of 15... whyy?? After I got home I watched a christmas movie and then got to tune into to a broadcast in St. george where my dad was released! Sad day? Happy day? A little of both, but more happy.
Got this text from my mom... the past 5 years he has always stayed in a shirt and tie on sundays. Must feel nice. Now I don't have to keep up the whole "bishops daughter" act anymore, so watch out.
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