I have to apologize because Im writing this 3 days after halloween and Im currently listening to my christmas playlist so lets just say halloween is just an obstacle we have to get through to get to christmas. Especially this year, Im just ready for christmas. But lets back up to last week... I got to come home thursday night and I had a couple appointments on friday. Saturday morning was the start of the celebrations. Grandma's 70th! We threw a surprise (not sure how much of a surprise it was) party at the veyo skating rink. In all its ghetto glory, that seems to be our go to party venue. Besides the frustration of finding skates, it really is so much fun. All the families dressed up and we had a little program for grandma. Jack was the star of our family and he sang the king's song from hamilton. He crushed it. Dad also performed his jack johnson song and wild thing. Also a hit. One of my favorites was actually Mason singing Neil Diamond "Forever in Blue Jeans". We all joined in singing and skating behind mason. I thought it was pretty epic. Im grateful for my grandma and the memories we have between her visiting us in kentucky, grandma camps, otter pops x 10, throwing shasta at the back wall and always painting. Love you grandma and hope 70 will be the best year yet. You deserve it!

The whole fam damily - minus the missionaries.
representatives of the 1700's, 70's and 50's.
Here is just a couple of the posters that we had hanging on the walls. It was so cool to look through all these old pictures. I loved it.
I love any excuse to have a family party. Saturday night I went trick or treating with landree's family. Lettie was little red riding hood, shane was the grandma, landree the wolf and I dressed up as the lumberjack dude. Lettie was pretty stoked at all the candy she was getting, except she didnt like putting the candy in the bucket. She just wanted to eat it all right then and there.
Well thats a wrap on halloween 2020. And now today is election day. I think everyone is a little on edge for what is to come, but what ever happens is supposed to happen and we'll be ok. Stay tuned. Dad told me I should start a meme of the week so this one and probably most of them will be brought to you by seth. He is the king of political memes so here ya go...
And last but not least a random picture of a local mini van driving down river road with six american, trump and back the blue flags on top of the car.
There's something about this time right now that I just love seeing people go above and beyond to show american pride. Gotta love it. I know life is weird right now and our country is in complete disagreement and hatred at the moment, but I know we are blessed to live here and Im thankful for my rights and freedoms every day.
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