And lets be real, if we weren't STILL in a pandemic we would've gone on a trip, but instead we just had a staycation at Kelsi's house. SO me and my europe friends hung out this past weekend and it was a party. No joke, I freaking love them. We have such a crazy time together and its the greatest thing to reminisce on the good ole days. I still cant believe we randomly met in europe and are now besties and still travel together. Kinda cool. We are already planning our future trips so I'm excited. Well I drove up to Kelsi's saturday afternoon. Kelsi made her famous Kelsadilla's (it was our favorite meal while living in lithuania) and they were just as good as I remember. Seriously nothing special... just rice, chicken, cream cheese, hot sauce etc. just really good. We laughed our heads off at old videos and memories. We roasted some s'mores and made tik toks till 2 in the morning. Oh and we watched Adrift... super good movie but also super awful. Highlight and worst part of the night is when Madi fell of the truck while dancing for a tik tok. I about had a heart attack. She got the wind knocked out of her for a good 20 seconds but after that she hopped back up and kept dancing. She was a little sore the next morning, but everything is ok.

Seriously the best time when we all get together.
the next morning I drove to St. george woohoo!! and I was so stoked to see my brothers!!! and they actually seemed pretty happy to see me too so that was nice ahah.
jack has improved his clover tongue... obviously.
Mom and Dad took a road trip to Billings to go through the temple with drew. They stopped at jackson hole, tetons and yellowstone along the way. Looked fun and now drew is official... no more pink flamingo boxers on the mission.
Kinda sucks because thats Goodbye round 2, but he's doing well.
The rest of my time in st george was homework, laying out, and errands like getting my tires rotated. Super fun stuff... especially when landree picks me up and I get to hang out with baby!!

In other news: Im back up north and I had my second lab yesterday. We learned IV's and how to prime tubing which I already knew so that was nice. We also learned how to use an IV piggyback pump to administer medication... pretty cool. I actually really enjoy lab. Maybe because its the only interaction I have with my classmates, but its also fun to just practice skills and learn new things. Oh and hear the horror stories our instructors tell us about their experiences. I also had another appointment with my massage therapist on tuesday and Im sore as always. This time around he actually worked on my stomach which was not the most pleasant thing. Im hoping and praying this works but as of right now... not so much. I just cant believe its almost been a YEAR. a whole freaking year of being a 21 year old 80 year old. fun stuff. Well gtg to class... as in log on to zoom and lay in bed. L8er blog people!
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