Well this week has definitely been different. Last sunday we were able to have the Wells family over from some desserts and together time. We then had to kick them out so we could cram in some last minute family pictures before drew left. 

(real family pics coming soon) 

Monday was drew's last day so he did a ton of packing and preparing, saying goodbye and of course eating some chickfila. Fun fact there is one chickfila in all of montana and it is not located in billings, sadly. 

Monday I had an appointment to get my first treatment of micro-needling done. Its pretty much a ton of needles being stabbed into your skin repeatedly and it helps bring more collagen into that area to fix acne scars, wrinkles and other stuff. I looked like a sunburned oompaloompa afterwards but hopefully it does something haha. 

got to relax for about 45 minutes while the numbing cream set in...

... yikes! My skin was super hot and tight the first few hours. I looked pretty red the first two days and then I started peeling. But hey I signed up for it so its all good. The rest of monday was saying goodbyes and just chilling. We played some sand volleyball and got some ice cream from handel's. 10/10 recommend Handel's. 

drew and his buddy spence. 
Tuesday morning was hard. Drew, Dad and I woke up early to run/bike the mayors loop. Once we got home we had some breakfast and the boys said their goodbyes before leaving for school. Seth wasnt too emotional and jack gave drew a quick hug and took off for the car. I drove the boys to school and jack wouldn't look at me. I was obviously crying my eyes out because just seeing the boys say goodbye to him made me sad. Anyways jack was just staring out his window silent as can be. Didn't want anyone to see him crying, but it just made me cry more because I cant imagine being 13 and having my big brother leave the house. I pulled myself together before going back in the house. Drew's best buddies came over right before we headed to the airport. It was fun to have them over and just talk. Its probably the last time it'll happen. We sat at the airport for just over an hour. We waited with him until security opened. It was kind of brutal. Just knowing you gotta say goodbye soon. Dad had to say goodbye first so he could get to work. We all started crying. Then we pulled ourselves together for a little bit until me and mom said our goodbyes and gave our last hugs. Then we pulled ourselves together AGAIN (told you it was brutal) (mom wanted to make sure he got through security alright) and then broke out in more tears seeing him on the other side of the glass waving goodbye. Then we cried pretty much the rest of the day, but i think thats normal. Drew said it best... on the way to the airport he mentioned how much easier it would be if we weren't so close as a family. Really though. We are so close and its just never fun to say goodbye even though he is doing something so good! Me and mom went and got lunch to distract ourselves that first day. It is a little better now, but its really weird to not know what he's up to on a daily basis. Like I so wish I could just shoot him a text to see how he is or call him whenever but I know he's in good hands and he is doing what he's supposed to be doing. Love him a lot and am very proud of him. #wecandohardthings

Well it was fun having drew home for the MTC, but now that he's gone we have our downstairs TV back which means... stranger things marathon. This week we were also able to go up north for Madison Storm's wedding. It was fun to see some old kentucky friends again. While we were up there we had lunch with mason and the boys, visited my casita I might be living in, the boys went to airborne trampoline park and I hung out with shawnee and some other friends. Fun weekend. My first day of school is this thursday and Im super pumped, nervous, confident yet worried and a ton of other emotions. I did just find out that my classes are all online as well as my clinicals. Which is a total BUMMER! So everything is kind of up in the air. I really want to move out, but its hard for me to do it when I will have 4 lab days I have to attend in person and thats it.  For the whole semester! I just wish COVID wasnt a thing. It straight up sucks. I just don't see a point in moving out when the reason I wanted to move out was to meet new people and I won't be able to do it because everything is online! Anyways Im a little frustrated and I have no clue what Im going to do so stay tuned. Well thats it for now... heres a pic of the family minus jack (and drew) outside sitting on the bench watching the wicked thunderstorm come in last night. 



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