First week of Nursing school!

 Woohoo I survived my first week of school! It was quite stressful to say the least, but it should get better from here. School itself isn't the stressor, just the fact that its online and its been difficult to communicate over email with professors.  Every day I get a thousand emails telling me to sign up for one website and buying another book and signing this paper and I'm just excited to start learning and get in the groove of things. 

First day of school picture. The beauty of online school is wearing a sweatshirt and leggings and no one really sees you. 

We also got to talk to drew on monday!!! and we get to talk to him again tomorrow!! 

We spent friday up in pine valley working HARD! We bottled over 60 cans of applesauce and picked/snapped a whole ton of beans. We rewarded ourselves with a good dutch-oven dinner of chicken, potatoes, and corn on the cob!! I don't like weeding the garden all summer, but it pays off and Im grateful we can enjoy food from the garden all year. Other than that we've just been chillin. Me and mom run errands and go out to lunch a lot. The boys are in school, dad at work and we look forward to watching stranger things every night. We also got our family pictures back this week...

And last but not least... a throwback to our family photos in 2015. 


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