
 Well this week has started to feel like the end of an era. I know its a part of life to grow up and move on, but I think this week it has started feeling real. We are slowly realizing that drew is actually leaving us in two days, Im actually leaving to start school pretty soon and things are just going to be different. Exciting, yet sad. So this week was well spent with family. Wednesday was drew's last Pday in the at home MTC. He started off the morning with some elder friends and had a home run derby. 

Next stop to celebrate Pday was pine valley. We spent the morning hitting apples, looking for rock chucks and just chilling. Then drew said his goodbye with grandma. 

Hard pic 

That evening drew and the parents headed to Cliffside for a nice dinner. The boys and I went to Chickfila then we headed over to say goodbye to grandpa and the dogs. We hangout with grandpa for a while before we stopped at frostop for a little treat. 

Hopefully it was a good last Pday for drew. We have definitely tried to fit in a ton of things the last week. Friday was my last day working at Desert Pain. Ive been kind of excited for my last day of work these last few weeks, but it was definitely sad saying goodbye. Ive been blessed to work there and gain a lot of experience and patient exposure over the last few years. I know nursing school will be hard, but I feel somewhat prepared after 4 years of working alongside nurses. Change is hard, but so necessary. For me Ive reached a point where I need some change in my life to keep learning, growing and making myself better. I'm seriously so excited to start school. Not nervous really at all and not too sad to leave. If Im being real Im just more sad to send drew off. #notgoodatgoodbyes 

Bye DPS!! 
Saturday morning we were back up in Pine Valley for bean picking!!! I love bean picking. I think it is the funnest thing to search for the camouflaged beans and then go back and find more that you didnt see before. Im weird. I also love snapping beans. Oh and I love eating the beans so its all worth it. We picked, snapped, cleaned, and bottles 20 pints. Grandma taught me the process of bottling and its pretty awesome. Weeding the garden all summer sucks, but it really is worth it once its time to harvest and enjoy the food!

The queen of gardening

Rewarded ourselves with some ice cream

last but not least some random pictures from sunday. Well folks change is hard and scary and not comfortable but its necessary and good and brings blessings. So time to change it up. Also please appreciate jacks total face of terror in that last picture. I think this is what Im going to miss most is just the pure chaos that our house is most of the time. The constant smacking of bums and different languages from seth and making fun of each other and dancing to loud music. Love y'all. 


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