Christmas in August!

How is it already august?! Crazy stuff... starting school this month, drew leaves in just over a week and my last day of work is coming up. Very excited for whats to come, but its also so sad. Well this week Ive only worked a couple days which gave me a ton of time to hang out, make a lot of appointments and of course spend my time by the pool! I hung out with landree and baby a couple days this week and lettie is getting so dang big!

The exciting (sometimes not so exciting) thing about this week is Dad and I were able to get scuba certified. For christmas I got a mask and scuba lessons. Well the online portion of the class took us about 6 months to finish... seriously. It was long, but also we just procrastinated a ton. This week started off with two pool dives. The pool was just learning and passing off a ton of skills. Monday night, our first night, was rough. not gonna lie. Not to the point I didn't want to complete the class, but it was definitely a challenge for my body to get used to breathing underwater, especially when I had to fill my mask with water. That was quite scary. Dad was thriving all week long. I was pretty nervous for wednesday night, our second pool dive, but it was a ton times better than the class before. I felt way more confident and I didn't panic at all when asked to take my mask off and swim. Friday was our first two lake dives at sand hollow. I was kind of nervous just because I knew we were going deeper than 12 feet. Seriously though it wasn't a problem at all. We dove and before I knew it dad tapped me on the shoulder to look at my gauge and it said we were 22 feet deep. It was so much fun diving in the lake. The first day we went about 35 feet down I believe. We saw a sunken van and re-practiced some skills - which I crushed. Saturday morning we did our last 2 dives and it was soo much fun. We dove down to 46 feet and saw a sunken boat and plane. Our last dive we didn't have to do anything besides dive so it was a blast to just chill under the water. After coming up after a dive I just want to go back down. Its so cool and actually really relaxing, other than the fact that swimming in a group ya got everyone kicking you and smacking your mask. Makes me super pumped to go scuba somewhere cool. Well we did it. We are certified scuba divers. Feels good to know how nervous I was at the beginning of the week and to be honest how not excited I was to go back to class after that first night, but now I feel so comfortable diving. Overcoming fears and stepping out of comfort zones. Now i just want all my family and friends to do it so they can experience it too! Thanks dad for doing cool stuff with me and for a dope christmas present that will last a lifetime! Sadly I didnt get any pictures... I need to look into how deep a go pro can go. Here are a couple pictures after our last dive. 

After a 6:45am start at the lake on saturday I was then picked up by the schimbecks for some boating till 4 o'clock. I was exhausted. Very fun weekend though. 


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