Viso Garo Lithuania!
One month ago I left this beautiful place and I can't believe it! Feels like a dream! For some reason Ive been having some technical difficulties with this blog, but Im finally able to post about my last week in Lithuania. Sadly, I had this blog typed out the day I left (it got deleted dang it) and it was super well written, but now that Ive been home for awhile it won't be as fresh I guess, sorry! This takes me back and makes me miss this place more than ever. I would go back tomorrow if I could!
Last sunday in the Vilnius Russian branch.
Last week called for lots of revisiting our favorite places for the last time! Our fav restaurant Etno Dvaras and walking around Uzupis. If you look back to one of my first lithuania blogs you can find a picture of me playing this piano in the deep snow and ice! Crazy
Sunday night me and madi took bus 43 to old town to hike up to the three crosses. We sat up there, like we did 4 months before, and talked about how lucky we are. We talked about the memories we were able to make and how crazy it is that in 4 short months vilnius became our home and we were already missing it.
My older class on graduation day.
Oleg, Nastia and Emily - Sassy but smart, thats for sure.
Enjoying every last moment with these little ones.
I miss them like crazy. Now these kiddos have new teachers and I see the new teachers post pictures with my kids and Im so jealous! To be honest, it makes me angry because they are MY kids haha.
Makeover time with Arnelija
Its obvious who was my favorite...
Some of the hardest goodbyes.
Viso Garo little ones. I had a love hate relationship with teaching, but I can honestly say I grew to love these kids more than I ever thought I would.
Last day in Lithuania and its sad because as soon as we leave the weather was amazing! We decided to spend this last day in the nearby city of Trakai. Trakai is known for it's island castle. It was beautiful and we were able to rent pedal boats and have a picnic on the lake. I never wanted this day to end. I was to the point where going home was soo close and real, yet I had such a love for the country and I was torn between wanting to stay and wanting to go. This day was just the perfect mix of enjoying my time and being excited for the journey home.
Crazy to think four months ago we were strangers... now we have seen 23 countries together and have all become so close.
My last oreo bar... if Im being real this was probably thee hardest goodbye haha. That evening we finished packing and headed to bed early. Woke up early Wednesday morning and headed to the airport for the last time!! We crammed in a little car with all our luggage and said our goodbyes. It was a hard morning. Lots of mixed feelings. Traveling went smooth and I was home with my family that night! Makes me emotional to think about this experience and how grateful I am for the people I met, the things I learned and the experiences I gained. It was hard at times, but so rewarding. At the beginning of the year I barely knew anything about Lithuania and to be honest my first few weeks there I hated it, but it will always be my European home. Really feels like a dream - the best dream ever. Now that Im home Ive been hanging with family and shawnee (my only friend), working and relaxing and trying to get back in shape. St george is still the best place on earth but Im ready to head back over seas.
I'm so glad you had this experience.