Lany! Laynee! LANY!

Me and Shawnee have recently made it a tradition to attend a concert each year. We love love love music and any excuse to get outta town for a night and "party." Last year we saw one of our long time favs - smallpools. It was 10/10 and Im not gonna lie, every time I go to a concert I never think it will be as good as the last, but it usually is. Well a few months ago Shawnee texted me, while I was still living abroad, and asked if Id want to go see LANY on June 11. I was in the middle of not making any money and spending a lot but the expensive concert ticket didnt stop me from saying - duh YES. So we bought the tickets and Ive been looking forward to June 11 ever since. Tuesday June 11 we headed up to SLC, just us two. Mom had booked us a hotel by the concert and everything was going perfect until check in. I had called ahead to make sure I could check in, but since Im not 21 it was a slight disaster. It took over an hour and I was kind of frustrated. We finally got our room keys after multiple calls with my parents and inconvenient emails of paperwork. As the front desk lady handed us our keys she gave us a sassy smirk and said "don't party too hard." This made me soo mad! What the heck so you're saying if I was 1 year and 14 days older I would be more responsible...or less likely to party? LAME. Overall not a good way to start the trip, but that didnt stop us from having a killer night. We had a quick dinner, because we were behind schedule considering our check-in fiasco, then packed up and drove out to the Great Saltair. 
Like I said, I love concerts and music, but parking and traffic for concerts is at the bottom of my list. We were forced to park two miles away in a sketchy dirt lot, pay 10 bucks and be bussed to the concert! BUSSED! like they crammed a ton of us concert goers onto this hot stinky bus! To be honest we thought we were all being kidnapped, but we rode the bus anyway. The bus pulled us up to the venue and there were a ton of people. Lucky for us we didnt have to wait in any lines because we already had our ticket wootwoot! The opening band was a girl named sasha sloan. She had some decent music but it was all kind of depressing and she sang while vaping soo... 9 o'clock rolls around and its about time for LANY! it was kind of fun because everyone started chanting my name - I felt real special. The next hour and a half was awesome! Screaming the songs and losing my voice in a crowd of 6500 sweaty teenagers - for some reason I enjoy it. 

No better way to describe the concert than these pictures... Well after the concert we all had to fight to get on the busses to take us back to our cars, so me and shawnee being the runners we are decided to just wing it and run back to the parking lot and ditch the lame bus system. so at 11:30pm we were running down this skinny road in our sandals with cars whizzing past us... smart. It actually was smart because we didnt have to deal with waiting in lines or even any traffic getting out of the parking lot. Perks of being an insanely stupid runner. 

Whenever we saw the big trucks and busses coming down the lane we would hop on top of the barrier so that we wouldn't get hit. I think we scared a couple bus drivers whoops. One of my favorite things about concerts is becoming re-obsessed with all the music. So we spent the night re-watching and listening to all our favorite songs. That night I couldn't sleep because my throat hurt so bad. I think it had to do with screaming so loud but also it was just the start of a cold. We had breakfast, chilled and headed to Layton to visit my Europe friends!!! We always make fun of ourselves for calling each other our "europe friends" because we are all from utah but we just so happened to meet in Europe so the name works. I had lunch with Izzy and Kelsi. It was so much fun to see them again and talk about the mems we had. 

We got home safely after a fun couple days and of course jammed to Lany the whole time. 


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