What a Butte

How lucky am I to live in thee greatest, most beautiful place in all the world?! Seriously though, there is no where else quite like southern Utah. AND how lucky am I that I have the ability to run and see these landscapes on a daily?! AND to appreciate it all with my family and friends. This past week Ive been able to see some new and old trails of Zion NP. Last saturday Dad and I decided to try a new trail - deer trap trail. Our coworker Whit, is new to the running world and we figured we would introduce him to trail running. Deer trap ended up being around 10 miles and it had a great view of the southern part of the main Zion canyon. I knew I was going to enjoy it no matter what - especially knowing I hadn't been to zion since our traverse run in November - but it was awesome to see how much Whit enjoyed it. Usually we run by ourselves or with other runners, but it was awesome running with someone who was so unfamiliar with trail running and seeing how much joy it brought. Not many things can beat a morning on some Zion trails. 

In other not so exciting news - Im 20 now. BOO
I pretty much just worked on my birthday (adulting sucks), but the next day me and shawnee headed to Ivins for some paddle boarding. 

Yesterday we headed back up to Zion around 5am to run the West Rim trail. We LOVE this trail. Seriously, thee best trail ever. Whit is hooked to this trail running thing so he has officially hopped on the crazy train and ran the trail with us. Mid run I was thinking how nice it would be to not have to stop at every view point, but it is pretty close to impossible. No matter how many times I run up there, I just can't not stop and take pictures. The views never get old!!! Everyone felt relatively good on the run. I struggled up some up hills, whit struggled with IT band hurting the last little bit and dad had to deal with his ankle, but IT WAS A BLAST. I would spend every saturday morning in Zion if I could. Just feeling super lucky to live so close to so much beauty. 

Ending the morning with a delicious and much needed breakfast (and a huge mug of water) at our fav springdale spot - Oscars. Running is hard, very hard and sometimes I straight up hate it, but I have no clue what I do without it. Grateful for the places its taken me and the mind blowing places Ive been able to see and explore. Peace for now𝡆!


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