The beginning of the end :')
This past weekend was our last vacation of the semester! We definitely decided to go out with a bang. Thursday night we headed to the airport where we landed in MILAN, ITALY! We couldn't really do anything in Milan besides sleep for a little bit - It was more just a cheap place to fly into Italy so that we could bus to the other cities. We were somewhat worried if we would even be able to check into our hostel because we didnt get there till almost 2am. Luckily, we got in and we were able to sleep in a nice bed for a couple hours until we had to head to the bus station at 5:30am. This is why traveling is exhausting! But so worth it. We took a four hour bus ride to VENICE! Ive only ever heard how dirty and not worth it venice is... well we all loved it. The canals were beautiful!! Such a chill day of walking along the canals, eating GOOD food - lots of gelato, souvenir shopping and just relaxing in the sun next to the canals. This has been the first ever vacation of the semester where I didn't bring my coat at all! It was so dang nice to be warm again. This one day we had in Venice, I was pooped on by birds TWICE! what the heck?! How is that even possible?! haha looking back its funny but seriously you can imagine how shook I was after it happened a second time!
First gelato of the trip - literally less than 30 minutes of getting off the bus
Walking into the city and seeing these views was another moment when everything just seems unreal. These canals are so famous and we see them all the time in pictures, but its a crazy feeling of actually seeing them in person.
It was so nice to not have any plans. We really just walked through the little alleys and found the prettiest bridges and canals and just chilled and took a ton of pictures :)
Bubblegum gelato - so dang good.
Dinner with a view! I ordered my favorite - and apparently an Italian favorite -
spaghetti all carbonara. Its heavenly.
I ate this, pizza and gelato alllll weekend.
Pretty houses everywhere
I love this picture of all of us <3
Kind of funny - we set up the camera to do a self timer photo and after it took the picture I started walking over to it to see how it looked. Well we didnt know it took 1200 photos at a time so we got some pretty funny pictures.
We watched the sunset over the ocean.
The damage the bird left on my toe. Really not bad, but still how is one unlucky enough to get crapped on twice in one day? Well Venice was a dream and Id go back in an instant. That night we hopped on the dreaded night bus. It wasnt a terrible one, but it wasnt great either. I think we've all come to just accept the fact that we won't sleep too well on night busses so we don't get too disappointed anymore. Luckily the next day was a pretty chill day too. The bus dropped us off in Rome, but then we hopped on an hour train to Naples! We were planning on hitting a different beach city, but without a rental car it can sometimes be tricky and expensive to make it to certain places. We did however find a nice private beach in Naples - Bagno Elena beach. Water was pretty cold, but I sent it. Then we slept on the beach and chilled for the next few hours. Much needed sleep and SUN! All of us pale marshmallows got fried, but Im not mad. Im actually way pumped to finally not look dead.
That volcano in the back is Mount Vesuvius - pretty cool! So right across the bay was Pompeii. Would've been so cool to visit, but no time or money :( Guess Ill have to go back!
Worth the 10 euro!
Happy, sunburnt girls. That night we headed back to Rome where we would stay for THREE whole nights! We've never stayed in a place that long and let me tell ya... it was soo nice. Super nice relaxing days to start off the trip - our LAST trip! AGH! Much love from Italia!
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