La Roma
We spent two full days in the eternal city, ROME! Every girl's dream is to live out the Lizzie McGuire movie and come to Rome...well at least thats been a dream of mine haha. This city is nothing like it is in the movie...still an amazing city, but it was by far the most crowded place we've been. This might have something to do with being there Easter weekend. The first thing we did Sunday morning was head over to the Vatican - with the rest of the people in the country. There were so many people trying to get in to the Vatican, but we stuck it out and fought the crowds into Easter Mass with Papa Rimsky himself. As I was in the crowd of people looking up at the Pope, I kind of laughed to myself because I realized I have never been to a General Conference or seen the Prophet in real life, yet I have now been to a live Easter Mass and have seen Pope Francis. Kind of funny. I really had no clue what was happening and of course no clue what was being said, but its a cool thing to check off the bucket list.
We then headed to the Spanish Steps. Not sure what is special about these stairs, but I just know they were in the Lizzie McGuire movie. I also thought every possible human being in Rome was at the Vatican, so I figured all other sites were probably not as packed - well I was terribly wrong. The whole city was crawling with people everywhere!!!
Next stop...The Trevi Fountain! I was so so excited to see this beauty. It is so much bigger than I imagined and yet another moment where Im in awe of the things Ive been able to see in real life.
In our two days in Rome, we visited this spot quite a few times. It was definitely a highlight. In all, I threw 4 coins into the fountain and wished for the same thing every time. I guess I figured better chances of it coming true right?!
Four cheese pizza and gelato for lunch... living the Italian DREAM!
Gelato selfie with the Pantheon. #rad
We were all a little tired and it was a Sunday so we decided why not take a little bus ride to the outskirts of the city to see the most beautiful architecture Rome has to offer. No, this building wasnt built in the ancient Rome era and no the Pope doesn't live here...even better - It is newly built and the Spirit here is incredible! I am so so happy we were able to make it to see the Rome, Italy Temple! WOW. What a beautiful temple! After living in Europe for four months and visiting some of the worlds most famous buildings and touring way too many cathedrals I can still proudly say that visiting the temples have been some of the highlights of this semester. I so wish I was able to go in - it was closed both days I was in town - but just to be able to walk the grounds was incredible. We were able to go in the visitor center and speak with the sisters there and look around the building. One of my favorite moments was when I was sitting in front of the Christus all by myself. I was able to sit and ponder while looking up at the arms of my Savior outstretched to me. At the base of the statue it says "Venite a me" I was filled with love and appreciation for my Savior. I felt like running up to him and giving him a big hug! I know I'm not perfect - no one is - but His arms are always outstretched toward us. He is waiting for us to turn to Him. I am so grateful for His atoning sacrifice and for the opportunity I have to one day be perfect like Him and live with my Father in Heaven. Im sad I couldn't be at church with my family on Easter Sunday, but I am so grateful to have that experience of seeing this beautiful Temple of the Lord. In todays world it may not be popular to become like and draw closer to Christ, but in the end it has brought me more joy and happiness than any earthly thing could ever.
A good way to spend Easter Sunday!!! That night we finally headed over to the Colosseum and of course got some moreeee gelato!! woohoo coming home an oompaloompa, but Im happy so its fine.
Ok so long story about the picture on the right but pretty much no one takes pictures right up next to the colosseum they only ever take pictures up on this special view point so I said I wanted to be different so Madi took a picture of me right up next to colosseo just to be funny 👍
Gelato #4 of the trip! Not even mad, especially with that view !!
Went to bed pretty early that night because we had plans to get to The Trevi early the next morning so it wasnt as busy... so so so happy we did this. Definitely worth waking up early to see this fountain without the crowds!
We headed over to the Colosseum to wait in line for tickets to go inside!!! One of the Wonders of the World and it was awesome! To learn the history of it was so incredible as well. People would come to watch people fight animals like rhinos, tigers etc. They would hold gladiator fights here, as well as executions. They would also fill it with water and reenact battle ship fights here in the colosseum! Would've been an exciting thing to watch I guess. Seeing things like this makes me want to live a day in the life of people back then. How cool would that be? To be able to just see what life was like in Ancient Rome. This place is also humongous! And to think of how they built it blows my mind. I was texting an old friend last night and she told me how lucky I am that Ive been able to see and do a lot of things in four months that not many get to do in a lifetime. I realize that and Im so grateful everyday, yet I also think it hasn't hit me yet. It's all happened so fast that I don't believe that Ive actually done all these things. I do know I am blessed and so lucky to have these experiences.
Headed back over to the Vatican hoping to get in line for the Sistine Chapel. Sadly, it was closed due to Easter weekend apparently. So seriously, I gotta go back. But we did some souvenir shopping around the Vatican and took some pictures. It started raining and we were all pretty tired so maybe this is lame of us, but we went back to the hostel and took a little afternoon nap. It was amazing.
Drinking the holy water in the Vatican
After our glorious nap we headed back out on the town for dinner, the trevi fountain (at night) (<- say it in a spongebob voice haha) and of course more gelato.
My favorite - out of all the countries Ive been to I think I could most comfortably live in Italy, mostly because of the yummy food.
Sad girls because we weren't ready to leave. Last night in this beautiful country and we spent it just admiring and soaking up the moment at the Trevi. I could've sat there all night. So much fun to enjoy the warmth and beauty of Italy. Might have been our last vacation, but it was one of my favorites. This semester has been a crazy one and I've loved every second of it. Thankful for the friends Ive made, for the support from back home and for the lessons I've learned. I was hesitant to put school on hold, but this semester has taught me so many important life lessons that I couldn't have learned from a professor. This dream is quickly coming to an end and its soo bittersweet! Today I said goodbyes to all the missionaries and ward members that Ive been able to get to know over these past four months. Thursday I said goodbye to my level 6 class and tomorrow I have to say goodbye to my little ones. Im so so sad to leave, but seriously so excited to come home. Much love from Roma !
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