Spring break staycation

For the most part, this past week I worked.  I feel like such a boring adult when I say I spent my spring break working, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.  I did manage to get a day off so me and the ladies had plans to go on a super cool hike that we've been looking forward to forever, but of course, the one day I had off it decides to rain.  This hike would've been pretty dangerous in the rain so we are saving it till next week.  I didn't want my off day to be wasted sitting around in the rain so me and shawnee decided to face our fears and check something off our bucket list: The Stratosphere. We drove down to Vegas and shawnee faced her fear of driving.  She checked off the gorge and vegas traffic all in one day.  So proud. Once we managed to find our way to the parking garage we were pretty proud of ourselves, but then realized we had no clue where to go after that.  We walked through the doors of the casino and tried our best not to look too lost or uncomfortable.  Not sure why people think casino's are a fun, but whatever.  We followed the signs and bought our tickets for the tower.  Once we got onto the elevator, it took us all the way to floor 108.  It didn't even take that long, but once I stepped off the elevator my legs felt like jello and my balance was all weird.  Floor 108 is the indoor observation floor. We walked around for a few minutes and it took a little bit to get used to being so high.  The windows are slanted so you can look all the way down. Crazy.  There was even someone doing the sky jump thing which was so insane to watch.  Im totally doing that one day.  We then headed up to floor 109 which is the outside observation floor with two of the rides: X-scream and Insanity. We rode X-scream which is the ride that acts like its going to rocket launch you to the ground.  Me and shawnee got front row seats.  Super weird feeling and apparently I was clenching my legs the whole time because when I got off the ride, my right calf was cramping up.  Next stop was insanity.  This ride was seriously insane.  On this ride you are hanging off the edge, spinning around in circles while facing the ground. Me and shawnee were just laughing our heads off the whole time.  Plus, it was pretty cold so while spinning, I had tears just streaming out of my eyes. Nothing like facing the ground from 109 stories in the air. Crazy ride.  I didn't dare move my body because I felt like I was going to fall.  Our final ride for the day was the Big Shot.  We rode the elevator a few more floors up and when we tried to open up the door to go outside we couldn't because it was so so windy.  We finally got the door open, but we were practically being blown away. We asked the people if the ride was still safe in this weather and they shrugged their shoulders so we went anyway.  The tower was literally shaking back and forth.  Oh well, I'm still alive to tell the story.  Not too scary of a ride, just a drop tower, but it was still fun. Ive been wanting to do these rides ever since I knew they existed. So much fun. 

While we were riding Insanity we would just yell "This is Insane!!!" and laugh our heads off.  Pretty sure everyone on the ride thought we were high, but it was awesome.  Quality bonding time. haha. 

After all of our rides, we decided to get some ice cream.  Our elevator attendant recommended the "adult milkshake"  She then quickly asked if we were 21 to which we sadly responded, "no."  Bummer, I guess Ill have to come back when Im 21. Instead we shared a double scoop ice cream of rocky road and goody.  

We rode the escalators like 8 times just to get this photo ahah. 
After checking off the stratosphere, we figured we would go visit the popular seven magic mountains aka the colorful rocks.  They weren't anything special, but it is kind of a cool burst of color in a plain, brown desert.  

It was still insanely windy. 

It makes me laugh because while we were there, there was people modeling in front of these rocks and taking professional photos, while all of our photos turn out like these.  I feel like looking back on pictures like these have more meaning, so I don't plan on perfecting my photography skills anytime soon. I think everyone should have a blog or some place they can post all of their real life, unedited pictures.  It's hard to appreciate a picture of a moment in life when it's not even real. That's one reason Im soo happy I have this here blog.  Anyways, the rocks were rad and I totally recommend to anyone driving through!  So we were planning on doing this trip next week to celebrate shawn's birthday, but because of the rain we switched it up.  We still however celebrated by hitting up buffalo wild wings.  We ate at B-dubs last year for shawnee's birthday so we figured, why not make it a tradition.  We told the waiter it was her birthday so we could get some free ice cream.  We didn't completely lie, I mean we were celebrating her birthday... just a few days early, whoops.  It was worth it.  

Happy early birthday Chawnbomb. I would say that was a pretty good day to start off the birthday week.  Friday I worked and watched seth play baseball.  That night I went to the Desert hills vs. Dixie soccer games.  Drew is a stud on the field and even got to play a few minutes of Varsity.  After the game me and shawn met up with some friends at chick-fil-a and hung out there for awhile. Saturday me and rachel headed out to snow canyon for a bike ride.  Ive been super disappointed in St. George recently. When is it going to heat up?!  It's mid-march and it's still so cold!  Maybe Im being a wimp, but Im so ready for 110 degrees. Bring it!  So we froze our butts off while biking and it even sprinkled on us for a bit, but it was a fun way to get outside for the afternoon.  

This is proof, Denim, that we did wear our helmets and we were safe.  I think we look mighty fine in  them. Spring break is coming to an end and it's time to get back to school and finish off the semester. Thanks spring break, it's been fun. 


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