Teenager?! Say what??

Seth turned the old age of 13 today!  We officially have three teenagers in the house, crazy!  I still remember when I turned 13 seth said to me "Now that you're a teenager, you have to be mean." haha I made sure to remind him of that.  This kid keeps our family on our toes.  Because of seth, no one in our family goes by their real name.  I'm either Fanny or Dallas.  Drew is Foey. Mom is Fom. Jack is squack, and Dad is papasqueato.  Not sure why, but those are our names around here.  This kid is a stud baseball player, master drone flyer, money lover, lady slayer, hot cheeto eater, perfectionist and can't forget fluent in sarcasm. He drives me crazy most of the time, but can't imagine not having him as a little bro.  I love watching him drive his RC cars and crushing it on the field. You're one of a kind sethy, and I love you so so much.  Happy birthday favorite brother! <3

Best birthday present ever!  So grateful I have a little brother that 
loves hot cheetos as much as I do. No lie, we can easily down a whole bag in one day. 

Hope it was a good one sethy. Love ya long time and 
I hope the teenage life treats ya well buddy!


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