Graduation Day

To start off the week, mom and dad left around 8:30 pm on Sunday to catch a couple flights to St. Lucia.  They were livin it up down in the Caribbean while the rest of us were stuck with a week of school and work.  Grandma Burgess was able to come stay with us which helped out a bunch.  She held down the fort while we were at school and made sure to have nice meals for us when we came home. Thanks Gma.  For the past little bit now, grandma Sullivan's health has been on a down hill slope.  Me and the boys went tuesday night to visit grandma for one of the last times.  It broke my heart to see her condition, but Im glad she is better now.  She sure did fight till the end.  Now she's happily reunited with Grandpa and all her other family. I will forever miss cake and ice cream at her house each sunday night. Playing andy-I-over (if that's how you spell it?) with the cousins and visiting with all the family, while of course eating the traditional cake in milk, some lemon pie and filling a cup full of swedish fish, gummy worms and cinnamon bears.  Good times.  I also remember the first couple of years that we moved back here, we were able to have grandma over for sunday dinner each week.  Not many people can say that they have met, let alone, known their great grandma so well.  She's a special women who served her neighbors and loved ones every second she could. Such a great example and I hope I can live such a loving happy life as she did. 

One memory that came to mind of grandma was whenever we would go to visit she would ask me about running and school and so forth.  Throughout my high school years, she would always look for my name or picture in the newspaper and would always cut it out and save it.  Well this one afternoon we went to visit and grandma mentioned that she had been saving this article for weeks now to show to me.  As she was finding it she was describing it as this big picture, front page of the sports section and I was super confused because I didn't think I was front page well... she whips out this picture and says "See look!  Its you!"  It was definitely a blonde runner girl, but not me.  haha.  

An epic tbt of the cousins at grandmas house.
Saturday afternoon, Shawnee and I decided to check something else off the list that we've been wanting to do since last spring break-- Hurricanes most beloved mountain: Molly's Nipple. We had scoped it out last year and to climb the face of the mountain looked pretty intense (thats our next challenge) so we drove around the back and thank goodness for dad's truck.  The road would've killed my little go cart, but with the help of the truck we drove the dirt roads and made it to the mountain. We parked just over a half mile away so that we could hike a little bit and it took us less than 15 minutes to reach the top.  If anyone owns a truck, I definitely recommend this hike. Super easy. If not,  you can always make it a nice long trail run.  As we were climbing back down the sunset was incredible. Glad I finally hiked this beaut. 

Since my parents had the go pro, we had to learn the art of the timer camera☺

I would also like to point out... it's FEBRUARY and Im wearing a T-shirt, shorts and sandals!!! This is why I love you St. George. 

Also thank you southern Utah for always having thee best sunsets.  
Some random pictures I have on my phone from this week...

During family scriptures one night I look up and see this.  Brothers are weird but they definitely make life more interesting. One day seth, when you invite your girlfriend over for dinner I'll make sure to show her this. You're welcome 😉

Drew also got asked to Preference this week. wootwoot. What a stud. 
Parents made it home safe and sound this morning at 4 am. All us kids were alive and the house wasn't burned down so I would say it was a success. Life is good, folks. 


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