President's Day Shenanigans

Thank goodness for presidents right?  I mean I'm down to celebrate anything if it means a three day weekend. This weekend started with Saturday morning me and the gals decided to get out and enjoy the awesome weather.  Our plan was to explore over in red cliffs, but there was ten bazillion people that had the same idea, so lucky for us we came up with a pretty rad plan B. We drove over to the elephant arch trailhead.  I remember hiking this years ago for girls camp certification and I hated it.  For some reason I just remember it being awful.  Well it was anything but awful this time.  We did get kind of lost, but whats a new adventure without going a little off the path?  We actually found this super cool mini canyon that we walked through and climbed some other cool rocks.  We turned back and found the right path.  The arch looks exactly like an elephant head it's insane.  I was looking this trail up online and it called it one of southern utah's hidden gems.  I totally agree. Super sandy hike but super awesome.  Even though the hike was less than a mile round trip we still hiked and hung around for about 3 1/2 hours.  Lex made sure to bring us good snacks as always... this time it was her mom's homemade andes mints.  So dang good.  Nothing better than chilling outside, seeing new things and enjoying nice weather with the bffs.

Every time we climbed up or down the rocks alexis would shove her camera down her shirt so that it wouldn't swing and hit the rocks. Very cute lex. 

You can't say that doesn't look like an elephant!!  Way to go nature. 

Monday St. George decided to celebrate our past presidents by dropping some dippin dots from the sky.  But really, it wasn't hail but it also didn't look like regular snow flakes.  It was weird and notice how saturday was beautiful hiking weather... and monday was a cold, gloomy, wet day.  Anyways I was able to start off the morning babysitting some of my favorite kids in the whole wide world.  

Love these cute boys so much.  And they're getting huge! 
The afternoon was spent at sethy's baseball game.  It was the semi finals and his team was doing a lot better than we expected.  This is their first time being on a bigger field and they played dang good.  They ended up losing by two but it was a fun game to watch and I think at that point all the boys were cold, tired, and ready to head home.  I thought I was prepared... I was wearing a short sleeve, a long sleeve, a jacket and a coat plus pants and boots.  I also had two blankets on top of me but no, I was still cold. 

Then it started to snow and thats when we got dippin dots dumped on us.  I made jack sit on my lap to keep me warmer.  We look miserable, but it was worth it to watch seth and the boys. 

Ok please notice drew in both of these pictures.  Hahah.  

And just like that we are back in school.  School is going really well.  
I love it, but Im oh so ready for summer.
Happy President's Day.  


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