The raging ratchet is back and Im so happy to finally see her again.  This year and a half has been super long, yet incredibly fast.  I feel like she left yesterday, but I also feel like we barely know each other.  Well good news everyone, she's the same rachel she was 18 months ago.  I stopped by saturday night to see her for the first time.  We hung out for about an hour before I had to leave.  It was good to catch up with my old running buddy and Im super excited for these next few weeks before she leaves to go to school.  Sunday I was able to meet up with friends and listen to rachel's homecoming talk.  She did awesome, as usual.  Later that night we all hung out and had some treats at the slade's home before everyone left to head back up to school and the 3 feet of snow.  Suckers.  Fun weekend being able to hang out with the gang and crazy to think that all my missionary friends are coming home this year! Time is flying. 

Best lookin' group around. 

Today I was lucky enough to get out of school at 11:50, so me and rach went 
and got a treat and hung out for a little bit.  This blog is a little out of order, but saturday morning Shawnee and I headed over to santa clara to watch seth and his team crush the tournament.  His team ended up winning and seth got a nice big ring.  

Dad and seth on first base. 
After the game me and shawnee went for a run on the Zen trail and enjoyed the view on top for a little while.  We wanted to do some yoga on the top of the mountain, but we realized we don't actually know how to do it so we took some funny pictures to make fun of yoga instead.  Super fun and relaxed trail run which was much needed after a week and half of not running at all, dang sciatica.  Felt good to get out. 

If anyone needs some yoga instructors, we got you. 

One thing that I have loved about keeping this blog is being able to look back on my week and really appreciating every little thing.  I never would've thought that these random, low-quality, sometimes embarrassing pictures would make me so happy.  Sometimes I get swept up in the speed of life and I think it's SO important to slow it down every once in awhile and enjoy the little things and be grateful for the simple things life gives us.  


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