Happy Thanksgiving!

Without a doubt, this is one of my favorite times of the year!  I love thanksgiving, spending time with family, eating good food and getting a break from work and school, it's the best. Monday I got the last bit of homework and tests finished up so I could enjoy the break. Tuesday and Wednesday I worked. Wednesday night me and shawnee wanted to try an acai bowl from jamba juice.  I am not the healthiest eater but I really want to be so Im always down to try new ways to get some fruits and veggies in me.  It wasn't too bad... the acai itself with the honey and oats was actually super good.  Still don't like the big ole chunks of fruit on top, but I did try a blueberry haha.  It was good but its the darn texture that I can't handle so I guess smoothies will just have to do for  now.

Next stop was target. We were bored so why not... I ended up buying a super cute bandana and we ran into a couple high school friends. Other than that we just messed around and had fun. 

Thursday morning me and dad started out the day with a good 10 mile run around webb hill.  We stopped in at the start of the gobbler and ran the first few minutes bandit and then took off going around the mountain.  We also stopped in at desert hills where our ward was having their turkey bowl.  The donuts were tempting but we still had 3 miles to go so we had to pass. We showered off and headed up to pine valley around 10.  It was a nice day with awesome weather and good company.  Oh and delicious food, of course. After the feast, we all squished in the living room to watch Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas and to take our post thanksgiving naps.  I think I was able to watch  a third of the movie before I was out.  I actually woke up to watching fixer upper and I remember thinking, "Oh sweet, I don't even think I was asleep long enough to miss the pie."  Well I was wrong. Everyone had already scarffed down their pie while I was still snoozing.  Anyways I do love Thanksgiving and I love reflecting on how much I have to be grateful for.  Plus, you better believe I started jamming to justin bieber christmas music.  Definitely the best time of the year!  

Cousin time!!!

Post feast nap time.
Friday I went christmas shopping for my family and just straight up shopping for myself pretty much all day. I faced the black friday madness.  I might have parked a mile away from every store I went to but I got some dang cute stuff so it was worth it.  Friday night we got a visit from erika and the kiddos. Baby clawson is getting too big. 

I freakin love this picture... He just looks like a happy, chunky caterpillar. 

Last but not least, to top off the thanksgiving break me, Drew, Dad and Troy went on a pretty fun adventure run on Saturday morning.  We started our run around 6:30 on the ZNP East Rim Trail.  We got about 5 miles in and there was a fork in the trail.  We had the option of finishing the east rim trail or taking a quick out and back detour to cable mountain.  We had originally planned to go to cable mountain because we figured it would add about 2 miles to our 11 mile run.  Well on the sign it said that cable mountain was 3 miles away which means adding 6 miles to our run.  I didn't have any second thoughts, I still wanted to go see the top of cable mountain.  Drew on the other hand was very much against adding another 6 miles, but we did it anyway.  We were up there anyways so why not!?!
It was totally worth the extra miles... the view was awesome and it was super cool to see the wooden box that we always point at from the ground. We stopped and ate some snacks then headed back on the trail.  Once we got to the same fork we had about 5 miles to the bottom.  10/10 trail. We also took on the challenge to run all the way back to the zion lodge which added another 2-3 miles to our run for a grand total of 20 miles. wootwoot. Me and dad raced to the grass just like last time.  I beat him again but he had people get in his way which messed up his groove. Maybe next time ;)

Jolly Gulch.  Ultraspire should totally sponsor us right?!

Top of Cable Mountain. 
 Love the feeling of sitting on the edge... my parents? ehhh not so much. 

And it only took us an hour to get out of springdale.  Like I've said before... I love that people like to come visit our beautiful utah lands, but dang not all 42 billion need to come at once.  The crowds are insane. Such a good break but now its time to gear up for finals. Only about two and half more weeks of school yahoo! Don't get me wrong, I love school but breaks are always needed.  Anyways, Im so grateful for family, friends, an education, health, the gospel, nature, hot cheetos, a car, a bed, water, indoor plumbing and soo soo much more. Life's awesome and I hope everyone was able to eat lots of turkey and have a happy thanksgiving!


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