Dad made me

 Heaven forbid I get behind on my blogging - not life I have a bajillion other things to think about plus my life is flipped at the moment due to be back on night shift schedule. But I guess I'll blog - I don't feel like I have much to blog about but dads list included "running, Enbrel, 2 dates and doge..." haha so starting off with running! Ive been doing it - little by little. not every day, but it seems the days I do decide to run they my body is actually doing really well. Not even just in the pain department, but overall my body is allowing me to drop 5 miles out of nowhere. Before recently, the last time I really ran was the gobbler on thanksgiving morning. After that my back and all around joints got pretty bad through the winter and holiday season. 

This leads us into Enbrel - the reason I am running again. For awhile I was blaming my life circumstances for my not running. Between school, work, the winter dumps, and the stress of Erin leaving me I figured my body was just not happy. And yes that probably was and still is the case, but my doctor recently told me that even when life sucks, my body shouldn't. SO thank goodness because as of right now Enbrel is helping out a ton. Im super super grateful to be back on this medication. I was kind of joking with myself actually earlier today as I thought about Enbrel and how I would consider its off-brand use as an anti-depressant. Back in the day when I was visiting with every doctor possible to figure this out - someone had asked if I needed an antidepressant. I was honestly offended. Not that being on mental health meds is bad, but I wasnt clinically depressed. My body was just wrecked and I wasnt able to do anything that made me happy. So yeah - Enbrel is my antidepressant because it sure makes me happy to run again. I also think having identified as a runner for so long it's a little sad and confusing when that is no longer who you are. So it feels good to maybe gain that identity back - slowly but surely. 

Alright next points: 2 dates. yay. I haven't been on a date in a year. No lie. Last February I was set up with someone and that was the last time I spoke to a male that wasnt family or a patient /co-worker. About a month ago I was bombarded with three different dudes. Two set ups and one who reached out to me over instagram. So this first one is my co-worker's son. Let's just say the conversation started by her saying "he isn't your type, but he needs a good girl like you" RED freaking FLAG. She ended up giving her son my number and it was quite the hilarious date. Not like he was funny, but I think we were probably just funny to look at. We met at a frozen yogurt place after work here in sugar house. I looked awful because it was my 3/3 shift but didn't care so Im strolling into the fro-yo place and I see this dude in black combat boots, leather jacket, pierced up in multiple places, fingernails black and the classic emo hairstyle oh and tats everywhere. Oh goodness. it was him. I about died and I think everyone that saw us probably thought they needed to rescue me. He was nice enough and we got the date over with. Made for a funny story I guess. I sent my mom the picture after the date and made a joke that I would whoop Erin's butt right now if I could (We always talked how she'd send me my husband after she passed - except this was def not husband, just a freaking sick prank haha. Im sure she had a good laugh). 

next date was a week later - I looked a lot more presentable for this one. We also met up for frozen yogurt and it was fun. We know a lot of the same people and he seemed like a stud guy - but just don't think we completely vibed. That's ok. And that's it for the 2 dates. Next up... doge. haha. Im not educated enough to talk about this subject and all I hear everyday is the liberal side of things because those are the people I work with... but Ill tell ya my side of the story I guess... so we got an email at work last weekend from HR. It was the dinkiest looking scam email that most everyone would've probably ignored or deleted. Well turns out responding to that email meant keeping our job. So the email stated something like "respond to this email by Monday at 9pm with approx. 5 bullets of things you have accomplished in the last week and cc your manager." And that's literally it. There was one maybe two lines and that's it. Rumor has it, if you didn't respond by the due date then that would mean you were quitting. IF that is true - I think it's sus personally. The hospital has way less staff working on weekends. As nurses we have regularly 3-4 days off at a time and I think it's lame to make an email due with such short notice. So in this case we were then paying the majority of the nurses overtime to come in and respond to this email on their days off. IDK just some thoughts. I know we need to cut back on government spending and to be honest - yes nurses are essential. BUT there are many days that Im not needed at work. I mean its great for me because I get to take care of one patient and call it a day - its also great for the patients because they get quality care BUT I see that its a lot of wasted money for sure. A lot of higher ups have been talking about making the nurses take more patients. Personally I think we should be firing these higher up people who sit around and do nothing, but I don't have say - Im just a frontline worker who knows nothing right?? Anyways so we are now having to send weekly emails with our 5 bullet points of accomplished things of the week. I highly doubt anyone reads them and Im still not sure the purpose of them, but I guess we'll do it if that means keeping our jobs. I honestly think it would be hilarious if they fired me. I think I would laugh. but we'll see. 

In other news I finished my head to toe assessment and scored a solid 97%! Dad was an excellent and perfectly healthy patient. I also finished the class with an A. hallelujah. Except looking forward to clinical and my next class starting this week I wish I was still in physical assessment. The next two months will be a grind, but I'm looking forward to track season and summer! 

Presidents day we did some mountain biking. It was a fun little ride - not too long considering dad drove us all the way up the green valley hill and then drew's chain broke during the downhill portion of bear claw so he took my bike and finished out the ride with his buddy while dad picked me up. Still always a good time on the trails - especially when there is no major injuries. 

Another temple down! Ogden, UT temple made for my 28th temple and now only five more (I think) to hit in UT by the end of the year. Not too shabby. I enjoy a nice quiet drive by myself to these further temples (still not that far), a session and then usually a little dutch bros action. It's a nice solo date, but also time spent with the savior and Erin. Those quiet drives, especially after leaving the temple, are usually filled with tears. I miss her a lot. I know she's knows exactly what's going on in my life, but I really wish I could talk to her about all this stuff. I miss having my go to gal. You'd think the longer it's been the better it gets, but recently I don't feel that way at all. Well now that ive made myself cry at work I guess I should move on. But I do love the temple and I would say I'm crushing my temple goal for the year so far. 

Lastly - it's not a typical week in the life of Laynee with out a little self care. y'all know I love my facials. This is my last micro needling session for the winter and yes I know I look terrifying in the picture but my skin looks so gooddd. ya know I would say I have a spending problem with the amount of money I spend on facials, clothes, traveling etc. BUT I was recently managing some of my bank accounts and ya girl is still putting plenty into savings. I know I just joked about being fired, but I am grateful for my job. And in general I'm just grateful for my license and the opportunity I have to have a good and reliable job for the rest of my life. Im an old lady - I know, but I still feel like I'm 20 and sometimes I'm shocked at how good I have it. The job aint glamorous, but it allows for me to have a pretty dang boujie life outside of work. Ok Im done. all caught up. bye for now.  


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