The final Elder Wells

 Won't be too long of a blog because the majority of the week is simply... you guessed it... work and school. But there was a fun little surprised this week. Monday I flew home from Arizona, got some things done and decided to take a nap because I was exhausted and just needed it. Well I was rudely awoken to the sound of my phone going off. It was a call from my dad. Jack got his mission call! WHAT?! He only had turned his papers in 8 days before. At first I was kind of sad because the plan was for him to get his papers the following Tuesday when I was in town - but oh well I was stoked to see where he was going, when and what language. All the siblings, including Seth, hopped on a FaceTime call and we got to see and hear jack read his letter. Before he had said where he he was going started giggling a little bit. Jack already made it very clear he was happy and ready to serve wherever he had been assigned. Well - that place is the Cape Town, South Africa Mission. English speaking and reporting to the Johannesburg, South Africa MTC on July 2nd. He is excited. Im excited to finally have an excuse to visit Africa in a couple years. And mom is a little stunned. I think she's excited now too though.  

We are all excited for him to experience the journey of a mission and also excited for our other Elder to come home. Seth will gets home about 25 days after Jackie leaves. So they are going to miss each other by under a month, but that's ok. Good thing we see each other over FaceTime plenty. Jack is the first of his buddies to get a mission call. Im excited to see where my other little brothers are going. Makes me sad to think this is a year of lasts. Change is good, but it's hard. I remember it was pretty emotional for me knowing my senior year was the last time Id ever race for desert hills. Well now - many many years later Im super super sad because it's my last time watching jack do all of these things. Its been fun to see my brothers grow up and do all these things, but its sad to know that jack is seriously the last of us. No more track races, no more graduations or mission calls. After this it's all unknown territory of growing up it seems like. Either way - we are all stoked for Jackie and I know he will be an amazing missionary just like his brothers. 

I worked Tuesday through Thursday this week. It was an exhausting week. Wednesday was one of those rough days where by the end of the day my legs ached as if I had walked a whole day at Disneyland. It's crazy because Tuesday was a chill day. Boring actually. Just goes to show you never know what you are walking into because Wednesday was the complete opposite. First - I was charge nurse that day. I tend to be charge nurse on Wednesdays and to be honest I think it's because Karlene knows Im a good charge nurse and Wednesdays are the days she doesn't work. So it's either she doesn't want to be there while I'm charging or she leaves me in charge that day knowing everything will be taken care of. IDK. Second - there had been multiple sick calls. We were down a nurse that morning, our only health tech was also sick and we didn't have a clerk that day. SO guess who became health tech and clerk while being charge nurse. Yep - me. Third - we had some rowdy freaking patients that day and we were completely full. Well the morning started off on the wrong foot (get it??) hahah JK it wasnt the wrong foot - just a funny and crazy foot. So yeah a patient came in for osteomyelitis of this here toe and it ended up just falling off and was chilling in his sock. haha. Don't worry he couldn't feel it. Later that day this same patient (he's a grade A Jack A) decided to go after his nurse - he was pushing her, ended up scratching her and almost got his hands around her neck, but luckily she was able to yell and people were there. Within minutes I was there, both CNOs, Jose our manager and four cops. Charley (the nurse) and one of the CNOs that had hands laid on him pressed charges against this man. He was later charged with three misdemeanors and a felony. The sad part is they didn't just take this man away. He still stayed a patient with us until he had surgery the next day on his foot. Which meant - I then had to change assignments around because Charley went home early and that patient could no longer have female nurses. Anyways - it was a long day and I probably worked harder than I needed to as charge nurse, but I always do. My back hurt and I didn't want to come back the next day, but I also didn't want to leave the floor hanging so I muscled through another shift. And what do ya know... it was a boring day. Weird. not complaining but it's crazy how one day can be insane while the others are chill. I literally watched hours of Netflix that afternoon and did homework. Thursday I also carpooled Emma and some classmates of hers to Primarys for clinical. I don't envy them as I remember having to do clinicals, but I sure did love nursing school. This time as a nurse has flown by - I honestly still feel like I started yesterday. Well in less than 6 months it'll be three years. And that is crazy to me. Ive loved almost every minute of it and am grateful for nursing every day of my life. I love being able to help people every day, learn about the human body and medicine, have much financial freedom and a fairly flexible schedule. It's all been such a blessing to me and I really can't picture myself doing anything else. 

Friday morning I headed south for sunshine and really just because I had a longer weekend off so why not? This weekend Jackie is in Disneyland with his school choir - at first I was sad, but ive actually gotten quite a bit of homework done this quiet weekend which is nice. Mom and dad have been kind enough to be my pretend patients and let me practice multiple times on them my assessments Im learning in school. I crashed their date night to mad pita on Friday and Dad and I hit up Benjas for lunch on Saturday. Visited Huggy-ama and other than that it's been a quiet weekend. Im here for a couple more days so the fun isn't over yet. Lots of fun stuff right around the corner. Im looking forward to it all - especially just summer in general. But hey we made it through the January blues! hallelujah!


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