Turkey time!

 Finally turkey time! woo hoo, what a good week it has been. First off though we gotta throw it back to last Sunday...

Erin and Tara had been stuck up north for many days with radiation appointments and due to snow storms so instead of eating out once again on Sunday, I had them come over for a proper Sunday dinner. It was fun to have them over, eat good food and chill. They do a lot for me so it was about time I did something for them. The next three days were work filled... back to day shifts and honestly I wasnt too happy about it. My first day back happened to be at the GI clinic though. I enjoyed it - I felt like I was back at DPS except this time around it was colonoscopy's rather than back injections. It was fun and the group of people I worked with were super nice. The clinic only works till 3:30 so after that I went back to 3west and there were already multiple nurses who didn't have patients so I never was given a patient the rest of the night which was nice.

I spent my time doing homework and kicking my feet up in my assistant managers office haha. I was pretty dang tired since this was my first day back on normal day time hours. Pretty chill first day back which I was grateful for. The next day wasnt too bad either - I charged so just helped out all the nurses and did more homework. Wednesday, however, was a busy freaking day. Which shocked me because what surgeon does surgery the day before a holiday?? Well I guess our Ortho team is super behind on surgery so we had 4 ortho patients hit our floor that day. My day was busy though because I was just given three pretty busy patients right from the beginning. It made the day go by fast which was nice and all my patients were great it was just non-stop new orders right and left. I had a 97 year old man who got his toe chopped off, my heart transplant guy (hearts are always busy), and lastly my first ever bone flap patient. To translate - this guy fell, had a brain bleed and developed an abscess in his brain. The left part of his skull had to be removed for the time being and a drain was placed into the abscess. The skin was then placed back over his open brain. cool right?! He was a super awesome patient and did really well for the time I had him. But the exciting part of the day started at 1730. I got another call from the clerk at the front desk saying "there is someone up at the front for you" my response was "AGAIN?! holy crap, could it not be for anyone else sheesh" Deeanna, our clerk, had been calling me all day for doctors on hold for me or other people needing my attention so thats why I was so dramatic haha. I left my patient's room, turned the corner and saw my dad down the hallway. What the heck! I was so confused. I started thinking about events that would have brought him up north, but he let me know he was just there to bring me home safely. I introduced him to my co-workers and we hung out in the waiting room for a little bit before I finished up my shift and we got on the road!

Oh and gave dad a 5 second tour before I remembered I work in the most ghetto place ever and its nothing that needs to be shown off haha. I mean half the building is under construction still due to the flood. A fun surprise and a nice easy drive home with some company. 

A late night and an early morning for the gobbler. Because what else do people do the morning of thanksgiving?? This is the first race ive been signed up for since the beginning of my injury during the 2019 st George marathon. Its been a long bumpy road and I still wasnt 100% positive my body would allow me to finish, but there's only way to find out... It was also dad's first time running at all since his injury began in January of this year. So big milestones for both of us because spoiler alert we both finished!!

Jack ran the 10k. Last year he won first overall, but this is him at the starting line finding out the guy next to him just recently ran a 63 minute half marathon. So spoiler alert - he ended up fourth overall this year, first in his age group, and with a one minute PR! 

oh and us 5kers all got PRs because our 5k (3.1 miles) was only 2.7 miles so you could say it was a fast course. 

The little boy on my left shoulder is Conner Mantz. No biggie but he ran the marathon in Paris this last summer placing 8th in the world. Just your typical olympian at the st gorge turkey trot. 

Jackie taking home the money and the pie. yeeyee!

and then off to Pine Valley for thanksgiving dinner with Grandma and Randy! I think all of us love having a small, intimate dinner. Honestly, Im just happy to be spending the holiday with family. Feeling very grateful to have been given the day off this year. 

this is our photo to send to Seth to make him jealous about the ample amount of homemade rolls we all consumed. 

Grandy was a great host and we all treated ourselves to an afternoon nap by the fire, watching some football. 

Empty plates, full bellies and thankful hearts. Love my family. 

The rest of the weekend was spent bowling with Jackie, hot tubbing with the family and quality puzzling with grandma. I sure do love my family and the time I get to spend with them. Bring on the rest of the holiday season. Besides the cold, I love this season. 


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