Time is honestly flying by, but with the holiday season coming up and school just sucking the life out of me I find myself wishing the time would go a whole lot faster. Except also I don't because once Christmas is done then my clinicals are right around the corner and Im really not looking forward to those. Anyways... Thanksgiving weeks eve! It's been once again a pretty boring week. Work was solid. I finished out my five week span of night shifts and Im actually pretty sad about it. Ive loved having time to do homework, no drama on night shift (the night crews are always just better and more chill) and the pay is pretty dang nice. I do, however, miss seeing people like my physical therapy friends and being more involved with patient care/rounding with the doctors, but man I have no clue how I'm going to wake up tomorrow at 0530. I still couldn't get to bed last night till almost 2am so wish me luck. These 5 weeks have really screwed up my sleep schedule. And lucky me I get to work a quick three days this week then head home in time for thanksgiving on Thursday! It'll be really nice to not eat gross hospital food on thanksgiving. Im looking forward to it and spending time in pine valley.

This week I was able to get in a couple runs which was nice. This particular day I did hill repeats and it was actually still nice enough to wear a tank top (it was probs 50 degrees). Well a storm is rolling in today and it's currently snowing outside so RIP to that.

Thursday after my run I went straight to Fika. Im kind of obsessed with cold/ hot therapy. Im not sure if I have noticed any physical benefits, but just to relax by myself for an hour is a nice mental break. Plus I do feel like Im doing something good for my joints/immune system and so forth. And I do like the challenge of doing cold plunge. The rest of my days off were spent running errands, doing chores and studying for my midterm that I once again just failed. Another reason why school is super frustrating at the moment... I think maybe because its online school it just makes it harder or just the fact its a masters level program. IDK, but it's seemingly like 75s on tests is probs gonna be the normal around here. There is so many things that are on the test that were never talked about in the weeks prior. This professor even gave out a study guide of topics to focus on... which I did, yet it didn't match up. Frustrating, but oh well, it's over with. And now I can enjoy my Sunday and this upcoming week.

Saturday the trio met up at Cheesecake Factory for a Friendsgiving celebration. We were planning on cooking, but then realized why would we do that when we can just go out, so that's what we did. Always good to see Ash and to catch up with all of us.
Then on my way home to go study more, I was on the phone with Erin and we both mentioned that a pizookie sounded good so I said "say no more, Im on my way". So study was postponed (don't worry I still studied from 8pm till 1am), but it was worth it. Also BYU lost again and the chances of them making it into the championship game is super slim. Bummer!!! Erin and her mom are in town all weekend for radiation and due to the storm so Im cooking up Sunday dinner for us. And that's a wrap on my week. Now bring on the turkey and mashed potatoes!
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