This week was a rad one. I started off the week with work and honestly don't remember anything from it. I only worked two night shifts and called out the third one because I got sick. There are a couple sucky things about night shift with one of them being if I go to work sick on a night shift it's always worse in the long run. I just feel like grinding out a day shift sick vs a night shift is a whole different ball game. So I chose to take care of myself and call out sick so I could get a good nights sleep. Which I did. Tuesday was state xc at sugar house park! Jackie and his buddies came up north and got hit in the face with terrible weather. I was talking to Erin about state xc and we both only remember good weather for our four years. but this year was not so nice to the boys. It was freezing cold and wet. Snow in the mountains and rain down in the valley.

I worked that night and immediately went to Mason's for dentists appts then straight to the race. Luckily I had snow clothes in the back of my car and even some snow boots for mom to wear.
Honestly not good weather for spectators, but actually pretty decent weather for the runners. I always liked running in cold, wet, crazy conditions.
Ahh the views of sugar house park. It only feels right to have state here.
The dreaded first big hill. you can practically see the whole team in just this one photo.
I believe Jackie placed fourth on his team. His team seriously had a maybe 20 second spread from 1st to fifth place. BUT just so happens they weren't high enough in the overall placings. they got 5th overall which was a bit of a bummer. Still a fun time watching jack do what he loves and carrying on traditions. Sad to say this is the last time any wells sibling will be racing at sugar house. Why does everyone gotta grow up?!
Proud of you Jackie! 31st I think in the state! and academic all state! He's fast and smart.
To end the day I showed mom and dad my favorite place to eat - Slackwater
I think dad liked it. Mom wasnt too impressed, but she's always tough to impress. That night I finally took a nap around 4pm and woke up to an alarm at 7pm. That's when I woke up sick and realized I wasnt going to get any better if I went to work the next night. So I went back to sleep around 9pm and slept till 11am. Yes, 17 hours of sleep. Felt nice. Until I woke up and couldn't breathe because of all the congestion. Anyways, I battled a cold the next couple days and tried to get feeling better in time for Halloween. Jesse and I had something pretty awesome planned so I knew I couldn't miss halloween.
That something pretty awesome was this... meet dirk and rod.
Honestly we thought about this idea a couple months ago and just went with it. I don't think either of us expected our costumes to be this epic, but I mean look at us.
This was the photo jesses parents got of us right after we were all done getting ready. They were speechless with how good we looked. Debbie says "I thought I raised girls!" haha
We then found us a little photo op so if you were driving along alpine hwy and saw a couple of rednecks it was just Jesse and I.
It's scary how much we look like actual dudes. So many people saw our pictures and didn't even know it was us.
All tatted up and ready to rock n roll. This idea was also brought on by the election which is just around the corner. Not pictured is the MAGA hat I had tied to my belt loop (wouldn't fit on my mullet). So I guess it was our halloween costume / marketing for the election haha.
Rodney <3
Had to get one girly picture
This is one of my favorite pics. We made stops at dremma's, Karee's and Jesse's sisters Chelsea. They all died when they saw us.
Couldn't end the night without being seen in public. In n Out was crawling with people both dressed up and not, but either way all eyes were on us. Lots of laughs from across the restaurant and people kind enough to compliment us on our fits.
Felt good to take off the wigs and facial hair.
A halloween for the books. A super super fun night. If it wasnt for Jesse I would never go this hard for halloween, but I love we can be idiots together.
Now that halloween is over - USA! Election Day is only 2 days away - let the chaos ensue.
Well Friday was spent recovering from halloween and still trying to get feeling better. That night I did a solo session of cold plunge and sauna at Fika which was relaxing. Saturday morning was spent hanging with Jesse and that afternoon I felt like I needed to go to the temple.

I haven't been in awhile and I guess Heavenly Father just wanted me to be there and I guess spend a LOT of time there. Since I didn't make an appointment I just showed up. Well I showed up at the perfect time to miss the session and wait an hour till the next session. So I walked around and looked at the artwork, then decided to just sit in the celestial room for awhile. With life right now there is a lot laying on my heart and mind so it was nice to find myself in the celestial room. Then was able to squeeze my way into the next session at 5:30pm. It was nice. A good reminder I need to go more often. And that was my week. Back to work tonight and welcomed November this morning with snow in the valley. Not a lot, but indeed snow in the valley.
Honorable mentions of the week: Drew had some interviews with a big national company. Apparently they interview thousands of kids and only pick 15. Well duh, drew was chosen as one of the 15. Pretty awesome. So as of right now he will start an internship with this company in 2026 in Denver! Let the adventures begin! I already told him to plan on my spending the night quite often because the Denver airport is a great international airport.
Erin this week made the courageous decision to forego anymore chemo therapy. She has been on a clinical trial and since her tumors have stayed stable. She asked her doctors about the chance of the trial to all of a sudden shrink her tumors. They told her if the trial were to shrink the tumors it would've already done so. SO with that being said Erin decided she was done with treatment. Done feeling sick. And done procrastinating the inevitable. Instead she is looking forward to maybe some more quality of life rather than quantity. Its been a tough and emotional week (actually I can't remember the last not emotional week recently), but I truly am so excited and happy for her. We've had many conversations lately on the peace she feels and what the future holds. Like I said, Im so so happy for her and the peace that has come with this decision, but if you know me you know I don't like goodbyes, especially ones that concern death. It wasnt easy saying goodbye to grandmas when they'd leave Kentucky, it wasnt easy saying goodbye to family when I left the country for four months, it wasnt easy when grandpa suddenly passed away and its really not easy to lose my best friend. so yeah, its been a very tear-filled week - happy and sad tears.
I think that's it for the week.
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