Well, this week has been a little less fun compared to the last few weeks... the majority of it was spent sleeping during the day and working all hours of the night. Nightshift has perks but one of the downfalls is one shift takes up two days so therefore it seems like you really do live at the hospital. For example I worked Monday night through Thursday night which means all the way till Friday so I somehow worked a normal five day week but working 12 hour shifts... ya kinda sucks. Luckily there are plenty of other perks that make it worth it. As I was on a completely flip flop schedule from the rest of the world I was also grinding these last few weeks of school out. Im actually in the midst of my last paper and decided to take a break from it to blog for a second (if you thought writing a paper was difficult try doing it at 3am). It's a lot easier to just word vomit onto this here blog... don't have to think as much so here I am. Friday morning I got off work just in time to go pick up mom and dad from the airport. We were able to spend the day celebrating P-man and his wife Alli. I dipped out on the temple sealing so I could get some sleep. Mom and dad picked me back up Friday afternoon to head over to the luncheon. Food at the luncheon was 10/10. Went back to the hotel and got a little more shut eye...

Then for the reception. More good food (pizookies - a wells fam fav) and a good ole dance party

A fun day hanging out with the family and celebrating a good friend of ours. Saturday mom and dad jetted back home early in the morning (lame). They had pretty rad plans of bringing on moms 48th year lounging by the pool eating cake so Im jealous. Happy birthday mom, you truly are the best. The best at everything - being a mom, a friend, a listener, a teacher, supporter and so much more. Love you. I was actually fairly productive Saturday... grocery shopped, two loads of laundry, cleaned my room and bathroom, put a roast in the oven, made a sheet cake and was back in bed for a nap by 2pm. Dremma came over for dinner that evening and again by 7pm I was in bed trying to get as much sleep as I could before jumping back into work tonight at 11pm. It is now 4am - I have three stable, chill, independent patients who are doing well. I guess this is Dads fathers day present - a nice and early blog post. happy fathers day pops! You too, are also the best. And together you make the greatest parents for me and the boys to look up to. I hope you guys know how much we love you and really do hope to be like you one day. Drew and I talk about how incredible you guys are all the time and how it feels pretty impossible to ever reach the level you guys have worked hard for and achieved in all aspects of your life. So thank you for setting the standard high and being great examples to us. This sappiness is blamed on the 4am hour btw. Well that's about it for the week - once again happy fathers day to all - I will be sleeping the day away. <3 Now back to essay writing (boo).
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