I think most everyone is ready for winter to get the heck out. I am especially ready for this so I was happy to know that it turned March this week - except that means nothing when you live in northern utah. March 2nd welcomed a pretty big snow storm and just like that everything is cold and white again. yay. I will say that for as slow as january was, february flew by. This week I started another class in school - Leadership and Health policy. So far its easy and a lot less work than my last class. Excited to say though that I crushed my last class with a final grade of 98%. I keep telling myself I dont need good grades and I dont need to work as hard as I do in school - but I cant help it. (Im a snow-gardner). It is nice though coming from a class heavily based on writing multiple papers a week to this class which is just one discussion a week and thats about it. Work was slow this week which was nice. And I had a ton of days off this week to hang out with friends...

Anyone recognize this guy?? Colby young. Blast from the past. My new roommate is good friends with him so we went on a group date to Fat Cats. Played mini golf and some arcade games. He hasnt changed one bit since we were ten years old growing up in kentucky. Fun to catch up with him and meet some new people.
Hung out with Jess the next day and oddly enough we found ourselves at Fat Cats again that night bowling with some dudes. I swear Ive never been to fat cats before, but I guess this was just my week.
Jesse moves away in exactly a week. Im pretty sad about it. I did, however, tell her that one of the only positives coming out of her moving away is Ill probably be able to save some money becasue I wont be eating out or going to the movies as much with her not here. I sure will miss her though. These are random pics of us before meeting up with the boys for bowling. Oh btw I smoked everyone that night. The boys had no chance.
It is getting a little lighter in the mornings at the moment which I enjoy. Through the winter it is completely dark when I arrive and leave work, so its nice being able to see the sunrise in the morning for a second.

Lastly, hanging out with dad during his layover in SLC. He was returning home from spending time in texas with brenton and things kinda worked out perfectly. I was just getting off work saturday evening and he had just landed so I asked when his next flight was and turns out his layover was long enough. I made a pitstop at the airport and we had a little dinner at chickfila together. Got him back to the airport with plenty of time to spare and then I headed home to hit the hay. A fun surprise of an evening. Also this week brought some sickness on once again. Nothing like last time, but just some cold-like symptoms that put a damper on life. Still not feeling great, but hopefully I can recover quick over these next few days off. Well I think thats about it - fingers crossed this is the last of the snow storms for the season!
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