Well no new updates this week - a boring week of work which dad has taught me is a good week of work and I totally agree. I actually had a student from BYU with me this week and we were talking about how as a student you always wanted something exciting to happen which in healthcare usually means something going bad, but now that Im on the nurse side of things and not the student side I never want exciting things to happen. So I apologized to my student for the lack of excitement we had that day. Another super sweet thing happened this week that reminded me of how much I do love my job and how grateful I am to be able to take care of people for a living. This sweet patients wife had come up to the nurses station a few times to ask for simple things like water for her husband or a warm blanket. Her husband was not my patient but I happened to be the nurse to help her out when she came to the nurses station. One particular evening I had already given report, I had my coat and backpack on ready to go and she had come up to ask for a warm blanket. Obviously I went and grabbed a few for her before I left. As I handed them over to her she says "you really love your job don't you?" Now if you've heard me talk about my job the last few weeks you know it's been a struggle for me to "love" my job recently, but I realized I really do love my job. Yes, a lot of my coworkers are driving me up a wall right now, but yeah I sure do love my job. The lady went on to tell me how much it changes her and her husbands experience at the hospital when they are taken care of by friendly, nice, personable people who act like they love their job. I wish I could've actually been their nurse, but Im glad that my little encounters with them hopefully made their experience better. Im not a nurse who loves the "exciting" life saving part of the job, but I really do love making people feel cared for and comfortable. Good reminder of how grateful I am for my career and the many years I prayed for and worked hard to get to where I am.

Next up is school. If anyone out there wonders what my Saturday nights look like it's this. I really am quite the loner these days, but I kinda don't mind it?? I worked till 3:30 Saturday afternoon then did some grocery shopping, laundry and tucked in for the night fairly early to write my paper for the week. School is good though. I thought this class was going to kick my trash, but Im doing pretty dang well. It's a class all about research which is borrrringggg plus at the beginning of the semester I saw all the papers I was going to be writing and I thought there was no way I was going to survive. But surprise, Im doing it! I have two more weeks of this class and then I will officially be 6 months through my program. Only 3/4 way to go and Its kind of crazy. I have two more classes left before I start my more aggressive advanced classes. Im excited to actually dive into advanced classes and learn new things besides just write papers, but also it's a little intimidating for sure. I'll be NP LJ before ya know it and Im not sure how to feel about it, but kinda cool.

The only other pictures I have from this week... Madi stopped by and spent Super Bowl Sunday with Kelsi and I. We went on a good afternoon walk and found Socks the cat. This cat is always at the same spot on my walks so we snapped a few pics with him but he was camera shy. I miss Madi, but Im glad we were able to catch up today and get some sunshine and fresh air! Ive had a lot on my mind about a lot of things recently. Recently Ive been climbing out of a spiritual low and Ive been really enjoying it. Not a bad spiritual low, but just a normal one I guess. Ive made a goal to keep up with come follow me this year and therefore read the whole Book of Mormon and hopefully learn something from it all. I will say I am finding more joy in reading scriptures, which Ive always struggled with finding joy in reading anything so that's a win! But Ive also been thinking and talking with friends a lot about trials and our own individual plans and Jesus Christ in general. Last Sunday in Sunday school we read through some scriptures and each of them showed a trial of Nephi and his family and how the Lord was able to help them through it. A comment was made about how we as humans are usually very efficient. We want to get things done the quickest and easiest way we can. Heavenly Father, on the other hand, is a very inefficient God. BUT I know his way will always lead to greater lessons and better outcomes. In the moment tho it can be very confusing when life just doesn't seem to make sense or a certain trial doesn't seem to ever let up, or a decision you thought was right just doesn't work out. It sucks. For sure. I seem to be in a stage where Im just a little confused where my next move is going to be. Yes, it's confusing, but also I find some excitement in it. Trials are interesting and not fun, but also awesome. I know I am supposed to have a superb relationship with my Heavenly Father at all times, but one blessing I love that comes with trials is the greater motivation I have to talk with and involve my heavenly father in my life. Anyways, Im grateful for my recent excitement for the scriptures and wanting to do whatever I can to feel more of the spirit in my life. I wouldn't say I have many trials at the moment, but I will say watching my best friend go through a life altering trial has been very difficult. I was talking with a coworker, Nancy, at work on Friday. We were talking about Erin and I mentioned how she would most likely be battling this fight forever. Nancy strongly dislikes the church (like most of my coworkers), but she is actually a very religious and spiritual woman. Her response to me was "Or she could experience a miracle" She immediately lit up in a very calm and spiritual way and told me that she believes God is able and willing to heal and perform miracles. It was a cool little reminder. I guess Ive just been looking at Erins situation as a very scientific/medical perspective, but it's true. If it's Gods will she will be healed. The church is cool. Heavenly Father and Jesus are awesome. Grateful for tender mercies in my life that remind me of these things. These blogs where I just word vomit all my thoughts might not make sense, but oh well. And really this is only a glimpse into maybe a quarter of my recent thoughts but better than nothing. Alright love y'all.
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