Im in the midst of procrastinating a paper that's due tomorrow, but other than that as I reflect on the week - it was a good one. To start off the week I worked on Monday... I never work on Mondays. I actually really hate working on Mondays because then I feel like I can't quite enjoy my Sundays as much, but its the sacrifice I made this week to be able to hang out with family and see jack race (we'll get to that later though). So work on Monday, but I can't complain because it was so dang boring. Actually this whole week was super slow. So Monday I charged and had one patient - as charge nurse I am in charge of helping everyone else, but as I looked around the unit all the nurses were on their phones at the nurses station. So obviously no one needed my help. We ended up getting so bored that we started some spring cleaning of the unit and decided to reorganize everything.

We also had a nurse, Lynda, who has worked at the VA for over 40 years just retire this week so we all wrote our goodbyes to her in a big book and took some polaroids as well. This was mine and Sarah's cute pic with some sharpied out patient information in the back... whoops. I love how it looks like such an old school picture... fits the VA well. I also worked and charged Thursday and Saturday... all very easy days and can't complain. so cheers to a boring, easy work week!
Tuesday consisted of hanging with Jesse. A typical girls day of 5$ movie at the theatre, lunch and some shopping. That night also consisted of bowling and froyo with Jess and Karee. Dang I didn't even realize how fun of a day that was.
Wednesday consisted of visiting Erin! This week was her two chemo week. Her counts were barely high enough for her to receive treatment this week, but I think that's just how it's going to be especially with another week of chemo being added to the plan. she's a trooper and we are already making so many plans for once she finishes treatment. She's gotta have something to look forward to right?
Early this week we had pretty decent weather and Ive been finding lots of joy from going on walks recently so I took full advantage. I don't know if it's the winter dumps or what but Ive just been craving to get outside whenever I have the time. I hate the thought of going to the gym to get some exercise right now so walks it is.
Friday morning also started with some outside time, but I actually felt healthy enough for a run. I ran the first three miles then I ran/walked another three miles. Felt good, even though this was the beginning of the storm. Luckily just ran on Friday though.
Then I headed to the airport to pick mom up! We were both starving and oddly enough she voted on Canes so to canes we went. We picked the canes closest to us on the maps and boom it happened to be the post Malone Canes. Pretty cool and delicious as always.
We met up with drew and did some shopping, nothing crazy but hit up trader joes, Deseret book and walked around the mall. Then off to the olympic oval for the main event of the day! We sat and watched 14 heats of the girls mile and to pass the time we did some betting on which girls would win.
Once Jack hit the bullpen we went over and surprised him. He knew drew and I were coming but had no clue about mom. I think his response was more "why are you here?" He was happy though. Cute little Jackie.

Fam bam. Coach put all the boys in at a way faster time than what they have hit before (but coach always does that for this race) so jack ended up being ranked first in the third heat. Jacks latest PR is a 4:41 while doing a time trial at practice so I figured he'd hit a PR today. He was up against some tough competition, but that didn't matter. If anything it was a perk because he would be led to a faster time. Which happened. Coming down the last stretch jack was looking pretty dang strong and finished with a PR of 4:39. Last year He broke 5 at this race and this time he broke into the 4:30s. Pretty rad. It's crazy to compare the videos of his finish from last year to this year. It looks like a totally different kid out there. For still not being the biggest on his team, he's a lot bigger and stronger than he was last year! He was happy with his performance which is the biggest win of the day. Proud of ya Jack and there is definitely more to come from him over the next few months of track so stay tuned. We ended the night with some Jersey Mikes sandwiches and saying our goodbyes. I was so dang to hopping on the flight with mom, but all the seats were full. Or else I very easily would've been in st George right now. Heaven knows I need it. But also I needed to be a grown up and go to work the next day and finish my dumb paper by Monday which I know wouldn't happen if I had gone home for the weekend. So here I am being a responsible adult. It sucks. haha. Well good week. Now Im back to really nothing to look forward to for awhile, but Im sure I'll find something. Love ya!
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