Self Care

 Hello hello. This week has been a lot better than last. My antibiotics finally started kicking in and by Monday/tuesday I was feeling a whole lot better, thank goodness. My work week this week consisted of three easy-going night shifts. nothing to complain about there. I was able to do lots of my favorite things this week such as wash my car, I had cafe rio with drew go on walks...

go to the temple

Get a facial (microneedling)

look at my glowy skin! 

and lastly hanging out with Jesse! 

the sunset was wild last night

Erin was also included in our girls night via FaceTime. We had to show her the sunset. 

This is my newest favorite photo. Erin is doing ok. Her doctor would like to add in another week of chemo now and says she thinks Erins body can handle it. So instead of having a week off every three weeks she will now be getting treatment every week. I guess whatever needs to happen has got to happen. She's a little bummed because she really looks forward to her week off so she can actually have time to feel human, but she's tough. Life is funny right now. There's a lot on my mind and I don't even quite know why. From the outside Im sure many people think I have my life set, but right now Im feeling very opposite of that. I don't even know how to put it into words, but we'll see how things play out. Other than that no new updates, life is pretty boring at the moment. Im still doing well in school and just trying to find little things to be excited about to get me through. I am looking forward to this week - jack has an indoor race on Friday so that is my motivation for this week. Alright that's it, love ya 


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