just dandy.

Sorry I haven't blogged in a second. Life has been boring, uneventful and pretty miserable as of this week. I don't even remember what I did a couple weeks ago, but I know there was a pretty big snow storm. For a few days I was constantly watching the weather, debating booking a hotel after work, not booking the hotel and instead driving two hours on snowy, sketchy, accident-filled roads home. Made it safely home. This weather really does have me re-thinking my living situation though. If I was ballsy enough I really would pull the trigger and leave, but I have good friends up here, a good job, a good place to live and family is only 4 hours away, so I guess Ill deal with the snow a little longer (definitely not much longer though).

lunch and shopping day with Jesse

A session with Karee at mount timpanogos temple. 
Work last week was good for the most part. Saturday night ended with some drama which ticked me off for a little bit. I think one of the most frustrating things about working for the VA/ the government is seeing how careless some people are with their jobs. I work super hard every day to help those around me at work, to go above and beyond and be a nice, respectable employee/ co-worker, yet there are so many crappy employees who do the bare minimum and treat people terribly and we get treated the same. No one gets fired and everyone gets raises at scheduled time. It made me think this week on why I care so much to do a good job while I'm at work because obviously it's not worth it. In the end I usually just get walked on and used for being the nice one or the hard working one or the "team player". So yeah it kinda sucks. there's my rant on working for the government haha. 

So all that was two weeks ago I guess, but this last week was spent in bed and at Walmart getting meds. Also a little bit of time at the hospital^. So last Sunday I woke up with a raging sore throat. I figured it was just a regular cold and it would take its course over a couple days and then barely linger for a little bit and I would be fine. Well after four days of having this terrible sore throat I went and got tested for strep, covid and flu. Negative for everything and they sent me on my merry way. I called in sick from work the first two night shifts this week because I knew not sleeping all night long would make things worse so I wanted to give myself the best possible chance of getting better. Well, I think it was Thursday that the sore throat got a little better, but the body aches returned and major congestion started. I was super short of breath and my sinuses were starting to ache. Friday night I medicated myself up and decided to try and go into work to get some weekend/night pay. I figured maybe by this point if I just acted like I wasn't sick then my body would get the idea, but no it did the exact opposite. I was fine till about 3am. My head was pounding, I was coughing and losing my voice and I felt like garbage. Saturday morning my jaw was hurting so bad that I went to Mason's to make sure it wasn't a tooth problem making me feel crappy. Well it wasn't - just my sinuses and lymph nodes causing lots and lots of pain and pressure. He prescribed me a z-pack. The pharmacy was taking forever so I just went home to try and get some rest. Well I couldn't sleep because I felt like there was a hundred pound weight on my head. Really thought yesterday was a big ole blur. I didn't feel human. My head hurt so bad that I couldn't sleep and no meds were helping, yet I hadn't slept all night so I was just emotional and miserable. I finally fell asleep around 2 or 3 for a little bit. Karee was heaven sent and brought me my antibiotic as well as soup, cough drops, electrolyte drinks, rotisserie chicken and homemade banana bread cookies. I had told her all I needed was my meds, but without her bringing all of this stuff I don't think I would have eaten or drinkin' all day so thank goodness for good friends. I slept the rest of the day which brings us to Sunday, today! feeling a tad bit better, which Im grateful for. Life's just dandy aint it? 


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