I did it!

Holy smokes - what a freaking week. So I had to rearrange my work schedule all for little Jackie. If jack has a race up north, I cant possibly miss it so I worked 7 shifts in a row. Yep, 80 crazy hours of work in only 6.5 days. I don't think I've ever been as exhausted and just over everything as I was this last week. On top of those 80 hours, the floor was busy with no break even over the weekend. I oriented a new nurse 5 of the 7 days I worked and I had a final presentation due for school as well as other regular assignments and quizzes. Goes to show you can do hard things. I don't recommend volunteering for that much work (I don't plan on ever doing it again), but its doable. 

On one of my last days I treated myself to a pumpkin smash smoothie - the best. Do I look dead? because at this point I think I was way past dead. On the bright side I had quite a few awesome patients. Mr. Archuleta was a vascular patient that I picked up on my second day and I had him the next 6 days. We got pretty close. He had to stay a little longer than he would have liked due to some continual leaking/minor bleeding out of his incision site when walking. So he was finally discharged on my last day, just a few hours before I left. Ive never had a patient for so many days in a row and I really enjoyed it. Wednesday I got off at 3:30 and I bolted out of there as fast as I could. Ever since then I have been relaxing to the max - napping, sleeping in, got a massage and hanging out with friends...

enjoying the sunshine that I haven't seen in a week. Weather up here has been pretty dang nice, no complaints here. 

Helped Jesse move into her new place. 

Tried a new lunch place - Daves hot chicken, it was food.
 Nothing to rave about though. 

Still lots of homework but good news Ive made it through my first class! I have my last quiz to take tonight then Im done. Ill have tomorrow off then I start another class on tuesday - lets do this! 

Annual tradition - haunted house with my europe gals. And yes we started planning our next trip eeekk. Im already craving another trip which is not good! 

We all twinned with plaid, but me and kels took it to the next level. 

Such a fun night - madi hates haunted houses, but she's a good sport and puts up with them for us. 

Saturday morning Jess and I grabbed some breakfast burritos and headed up the canyon to enjoy a fall morning. Funny story - while moving jesse into her new place, one of her roommates came in and we got to meet her. She doesn't even ask, she states "so you guys are twins" We get asked a ton if we are sisters or cousins and sometimes twins, but I don't think we've ever had anyone so confidently state that we are twins haha. Anyways after she said that we just looked at each other and laughed like we always do. People are always so shocked to hear we are just a couple of random girls who met living in the same apartment and then became friends. 

Drove up to tibblefork reservoir and hiked around, chatted and took a couple pictures. Nice to actually enjoy the fall mountains - its my first time since moving up here. Anyways - I still feel like Im recovering, but it sure has been a fun few days off. Back to work tomorrow just for a day then Jackies state race on tuesday! Woohoo! Life is good, Life is hard, but I think thats why Im happy. I find joy in doing hard things. And then of course rewarding myself with some easiness haha. 


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