All the Stg goods

Busy busy weekend in stg. but busy in the best way possible. I headed down south via the stg shuttle thursday morning. Mom picked me up from the station and took me straight to Nikki's house to say goodbye to Landree and the kiddos. They decided to head out east/ south to Louisiana for awhile to settle and raise the kids. Never been, but I guess I have a reason to visit now! Then we picked up grandma and headed to the St. George Temple open house!

Lots of selfies with Jackie

Good lookin' crew - grandma got to get pushed around in a wheelchair

I love my family and I sure am happy I get to be with them FOREVER (in squints' voice). Im also very excited for this temple to finally re-open its doors and let the people of stg get back in their weekly routines of attending the temple. I have felt way too lucky up here to visit whatever temple I want whenever I want so Im ready to share the love once again. 

Visited my favorite pain clinic and favorite pain doctor. 
Good to see my old coworkers and catch up with them. 

Saturday morning - ZION! Dad wanted to escape the chaos of the marathon so observation point it is! Got out to the point just around sunrise, a couple photographers were already there. We took a couple pics and turned right back around and headed to the truck. The joys of living so close to zion!

Breakfast at oscars of course! and a great picture of me, thanks dad. 
Saturday evening we had a neighbors wedding reception and other than that I did homework and napped all day long haha. 

Sunday evening in Pine Valley! a nice chilly night with Grandy and grandma rocking her cute cincy sweatshirt! 

Monday morning mountain bike ride with pops! I haven't gotten out on the trails in quite sometime so I was a little rusty but I made it out alive. Not without almost going over my handle bars - it was fun though. I like the rush of hitting a jump wrong or not making it up a hill haha. 

Monday afternoon was back on the road headed for Provo. Jackie had his divisional race on tuesday morning and absolutely crushed it. He placed fourth on his team and had a great finish. State is in two weeks and the boys are going to have to fight hard for podium, but its definitely doable. I sure do love watching Jack race. Brings back good memories and I like knowing a little bit of what he is feeling and going through during racing. 

Proud of you jack-a-bus. Lots of progress this season and only more to come. After the race Mom and I did some grocery shopping while the boys visited Mason to fill Jacks cavity. As seen above Jack smiling while being numb. 

Dont show Jack this portion of the blog, but I had to put these pictures on for documenting sake. I sure don't want to forget these moments and Im sure when Jack is old and grey he'll be glad I saved these pictures. 

As the story goes... Jack sends the first picture in the family group chat saying "every like is one more button undone" so of course we egged him on and all of us liked the photo... well we got what we asked for thats for sure. Love that kid. Well sorry this blog is kind of short and to the point... Im kind of in a rush to get a ton of stuff done before tomorrow. Honestly Ive been pretty successful today at getting a lot done... running, meal prepping, going to the gym, laundry, homework (not all but some), dropping stuff off at drew's, got a facial and now home blogging and doing more homework before a heck of a week of work. Yes, a full week that is. 7 days straight... 80 hours of work in the next 7 days. BUT I can do hard things. It won't be fun, but worth it to spend more time with family and see jack race. 

My beautiful glowing face - Ok goodnight!


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