I hope everyone read that title in the narrator of spongebobs voice. OK but how has the last 7 days seriously felt like 3 years though?? and its not just me, a few people feel that way after this week. Weird how some weeks fly by and some DRAG! So lets rewind to what seems like forever ago - Tuesday. State Cross Country! I drove down to provo where I dropped my car off for an oil change and mom came to pick me up. Soon enough we were on our way to SLC where we would watch desert hills compete. We were hoping for a miracle of having all the boys just be top notch that day, but sadly it didnt work out that way. Which happens. The boys placed 5th overall behind a few teams that they should have been able to beat. But like I said it happens. Good race or bad race - I still love watching jack and his teammates/buddies race. Jack was not too happy after the race which is fair. No one ever is after a bad race. BUT its pretty dang impressive he was even running at that meet this year. Im so dang proud of him and all the hard work he is putting in to this sport. Makes me happy that he loves it so much. Lets be real - I don't think any of us knew jack was competitive enough to make varsity let alone be mad at himself after an off race. Proud of you bud, and guess what - its just the beginning of a fun 1.5 left to kick butt.

Here's a couple fun work selfies. Nothing crazy or out of the ordinary happened this week. Just a solid work week. I also started my new class this week in school. So far so good. It seems to have less busy work which is nice, but to compensate I have to write a couple good sized papers this term (one 5 pages and one 7 pages). Its a class all about nursing theories - Im so excited to actually learn advanced pharm and physiology. I feel like all these first few classes are common sense on how to care for people or how to be a leader and Im over it. But Im sure once the hard classes begin Ill be begging to have these easy classes again so I guess I better be grateful for now.
Sethy called me on saturday morning. He showed me how to do all these filters so we had to take some pics. He is doing well and may or may not be transferred this week. He has also graduated from training woohoo! Miss him tons and I tell him every week that Im coming to cincinnati to visit him haha.

Sunday dinner with Dremma. They decided to make me food this week and it was delicious. Glad I have drew up here somewhat close by. Its nice to see family once a week. Well thats all the pictures I have - some honorable mentions that I don't have pictures for... Girls night with Jesse and Ashley. Felt like the good ole days. Had some soup and cinnamon rolls and just hung out. I sure do love them. I also went on a date saturday morning. No there won't be a second date, but I tried y'all. Lastly - the reason I blame this week for feeling like forever... is Erin. So lets rewind back to Monday. Erin stayed with me all last weekend because of scans, appointments, visiting other friends and state cross on tuesday. So she had an appointment monday morning to get the results of the scans like she always does every three months. I was working that day and knew she was just across the street from me at huntsmans. She asks if I want lunch and like we've done in the past she picked up Costa Vida and brought it to the VA. I told her Id meet her in the courtyard outside and Id break away from work for 30 minutes. I see her sitting at a table and as I sit down the first thing she says to me with tears in her eyes is "Its back." I froze. I think my first response was "You're joking" but I already knew she wasnt. Her scans were clean in June, but this time around a mass was found in her lung. There is a small chance its just an infection, but she has no symptoms of an infection. There could be a chance its a whole new cancer, but the doctors say secondary cancers don't usually come this soon. So the doctors believe she has relapsed and its back. We sat and cried. She was mad. And I was in total disbelief. It still doesn't feel real. Erin is my friend who HAD cancer. but she beat it. Yes, I know and everyone else knows it can come back, but I never thought this soon. Its been a rough week for me and an even harder week for the hursts and Erin. We've talked about it a lot over the last few days. things have been said like "I wrote out my funeral last night" "I love my life so much right now, why did this have to happen" "I want to fight" "Im not sure I want to fight" and finally "I know I am in the Lords hands" Lots and lots of emotions... and most being contradicting emotions. its a rollercoaster of one moment having so much hope and faith and the next feeling nothing but doubt and anger. In the end, its true, whatever happens erin is in the hands of the lord. We cant trust scans, or chemo or doctors but we can completely trust our heavenly father and his plan for each of us. Do I want to lose my best friend? Of course not. I already told her that I only have three friends so she cant ditch out on me! But do I trust that everything is going to be ok no matter what? yes. That does not mean it'll be easy (it usually means the complete opposite I swear), but it'll all be ok. There are so many lessons I have learned and am still learning through this trial of erin's. She's a tough one and has beat this SOB once, so if its Gods will then she'll beat it again. Im so grateful for her and the example she is to me. She is quite literally the best friend anyone could ask for. She knows me better than most and has helped me in my darkest of times. I hope I can do the same for her. So no, I don't blame erin for making this week feel like forever but I do blame that dumb tumor of hers that decided to just pop up. Love you guys, more updates to come.
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