The title just about sums up the week, so yeah. Thats it. Thats the whole blog... but really. This week has been quite a busy one in a very boring, adulting type of way. This whole summer has been a fun type of busy, but that is no longer. I finished off my second week of working nights and if Im being quite honest - it was great. My body adapted super fast and easy this time around. My patients were great and most nights were filled with homework, getting my continuing education credits done, or just straight hanging out with my coworkers. I love the people on nights and its fun to just sit around and talk for hours - literally all night. Its such a different vibe than days and I really do like it. I might offer to start working nights more often because it does make school a little less overwhelming, but also Im not quite ready to give up a normal schedule. Its hard to be on an opposite schedule than everyone else so who knows. We'll see.

I only have two pictures from this week - and technically this one was taken last sunday I just forgot to put it in last weeks blog. SO I really only have one whopping picture from this week - proves how boring its been around here. Anyways - me and kels like to go for walks on sundays to enjoy some fresh air. Other than that we usually just chill on the couch watching movies. I love chill sundays.

Literally snagged this picture a few hours ago specifically so I could have something to put on the blog. So I got off work this morning (saturday morning - I know Im blogging a day early, you're welcome!) and slept from about 9am till 2:30pm. I lounged in bed writing a paper and doing other homework till 6ish. Met up with Jess at chick-fil-a for dinner. We get together about once every week or two and its the best. Honestly I was pretty grouchy today - I think just due to being tired and having to write a paper (and my period that only comes once in a blue moon could explain it) and just frustrated not having any social interaction all week BUT I just love Jess. Its always such a good, easy time with her and Im so grateful for the time we set aside to hang out. Spending hours just laughing is a healing thing after a long week and thats exactly what we did. We started a new series called 1883 - so good. Then we just started watching movie trailers which led into old music videos and reminiscing on childhood shows, movies and music. Oh and she cut my hair for me holla! A good night and a good break from everything else. Sorry lots of writing - I guess Im just in the mood for pouring out my feelings (probably because Ive been stuck writing about school stuff all week - this is my free writing time) Anyways this week I have felt very where I want to be yet very out of place. That doesn't make sense, I know, but Ill try to explain it. While Im in the thick of work surrounded by other people like me there I feel super good and what Im doing is good. Same with school. Im proud of myself for doing hard things and thats one reason Im doing it - for a challenge and to achieve this goal. This week especially though, Ive had many moments of thinking "what the heck am I doing" "Im literally the most boring 24 year old out there" "Like everyone else is out tonight with friends and Im stuck in a hospital reading my textbook" Not saying Im regretting any decisions to move further in my education and career, but I think Im still just struggling with a balance thing. Thats why Im grateful for nights like these with Jesse. I just happen to have to work super hard all week to earn a night off, but who knows. Im getting better and quicker at school each week - it just so happens I had a big paper on top of everything else due this week so it was tough. IDK. 2am thoughts by laynee. Im happy though. Like I said - I love what I do and I like (for some reason) staying busy with school. Sometimes just feel like Im missing out on all the things my friends are doing or all the things Im "supposed to be" doing at my age. Ok Im done. Round of applause for those that made it through...*cough* Dad *cough* Love ya and happy sunday!
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