Man oh man. So Im currently sick in bed at the moment and Ill tell ya why... I don't think I've stayed in one city for more than 5 days at a time this summer. For the last 6 weeks I feel like I've been constantly on the move. I really do like living away from my family. It gives me the opportunity to be my own person, do my own thing and be independent. I love my job up here and I love my friends. But it really sucks because I still love my family and summer time equals lots of fun family activities and at the moment being there for a lot of big moments in seth's preparation to being a missionary. The last few weeks have looked like this - after five days in LP I headed straight up to SLC for work thursday through saturday. I drove right back to STG saturday after work to make it to seth's farewell on sunday. He did fantastic by the way. Stayed in down there two and a half days, drove back to salt lake tuesday morning for work on wednesday through saturday. A full four twelves. and now Im sick. Great. My original plan was to then drive back to stg this weekend for seth's setting apart, but that didnt happen. So there ya have it - in bed not feeling to hot this sunday afternoon, but I have the next two days to hopefully recover before I head back to work.

Oh and while Im up north working I also gotta make time to hang with friends. So I get off work at 8pm and this particular evening I headed up the canyon with Jesse around 8:30 to play some games and have a bonfire with our guy friends. Yes I know I look like an egg head and Jesse looks like a model - thats just how it goes. We played football till it got dark and ya girl scored every single touchdown to win the game. booyah. Headed home around 10:30 pm and had to wake up for work the next morning.
Seth's farewell day. He gave a super good talk on submitting to the Lord and doing his will. I cried. And then what was super cool was bishop thompson brought up all the boys in the ward who are bought to serve missions this summer and gave them their plaques and just showed off these good boys who all happen to be seth's good buddies. It was sweet seeing all of them up there.
This is the face jack makes to attract the ladies
That evening Dad, drew, seth and I headed to PV. Dad had the water monday morning so we made a sleepover out of it. Visited with Grandma and randy out on the deck and of course rode the pink scooter.
Sethy shot a fat one
Beautiful evening in our little mountain town. Love it when I can squeeze some pine valley time into my short trips down south.
The boys ended the night with some fishing - but apparently Larry's horses were starting to get territorial so they dipped fairly quick. The next morning I went for a run, dad did the water and we headed home. I worked the rest of the week. It was a fairly slow week. I oriented a new nurse on our unit (he's been a nurse for 20+ years) so he did most my work for me two of the days. My last day - yesterday - was pretty exhausting. I already wasnt feeling great and my patients were super call light happy. If one wasnt calling, the other one was. It definitely wore me out, but glad my week is over and I can sleep in the next couple of days.
Today Seth was made an official missionary.
He starts home MTC tomorrow and I think he is pretty stoked.
Some good lookin' brothers right there. Super proud of all of them and the good people they have grown up to be. Makes me sad to see them so big, but I sure do love being their sister.
Well let the "best two years" begin for seth. Dreading saying goodbye, but so so excited to hear of all the miracles he witnesses in Ohio.
Love you laynee. Always great when I get to see you.