Hello Hello! another fun fun week of work and friends and family and everything else good in life. Im actually still not feeling the greatest. My throat is killing me and my nose is pretty stuffy, but luckily other than that I don't feel sick. I blame it on the busyness of summer and lack of sleep, but oh well I gotta do what i gotta do. Work this week seemed like it was forever, but it wasnt bad. I had a patient all week long who called me his blonde nurse. Admitted for losing too much weight and getting worked up to see why. Super sweet old man and would press his call light every 15 minutes just to make sure I was still there haha. This week was also crystals birthday and we did a little pot luck day where everyone brought in a different dip.
Love my co-workers and we love a good excuse to party while on the job.
This week is my last week living at my current student housing which means its also the last week of being roommates with my best friend Jesse. Pretty sure we hung out every day this week. Every evening after work we either went to the gym together, went on a night run/walk, watched our fav show and even headed up the canyon with some pizza on friday evening.
I freaking love Jess to death and Im so grateful I met her two years ago. Its been a non-stop party living together these last couple years and I think it was a slap in the face for both of us this week to realize its all coming to an end. A new chapter in our lives - we'll still party we just won't be sleeping right next door to each other anymore. Also fun fact - everyone asks us if we are related. We've been asked if we are cousins, sisters and even twins. Kind of funny and a total compliment.
Definitely going to miss movie nights.
Im way more educated in the film industry because of Jess, thats for sure.
Saturday after work I headed to my favorite farmville. Tried shooting some prairie dogs, but sadly came up with none. Not many were out, but it was still fun to ride around on the razor and look for them.
That night we celebrated "cleveland days" with the epic firework show. Honestly it was a pretty decent show for being put on by a town of 500 people. Always a good time on the farm.
Drove down to stg and then pretty quickly headed to pine valley for a wells fam gathering. All the fam, dutch over dinner, s'mores, corn hole and playing catch. Beautiful evening and a good last hoorah for sethy. Family time is the best time.

and the best its gonna get for an up-to-date family picture of us. Love my family more than anything and I'm so grateful I get to see them often. Big things ahead for a lot of us and its all super exciting and very surreal how fast its all coming. In big updates for me - I received a raise at work for hitting my year mark. Crazy to think its been a year of being a nurse, a full blown nurse. Still doesn't seem real. Im also officially accepted into my masters program which I will start next month. NP here I come - yikes! also unreal. Lastly, moving into a town home this week which Im very excited for. Drew - getting very serious with his girl and will be expecting a wedding in the coming months. He is also now licensed in life insurance and will be using that to make some money. Lastly, starting his sophomore year at byu this fall! Sethy - or as we should say - Elder Wells. One week of home MTC is checked off the list. We ship him off to the provo MTC on wednesday and then Ohio in about a week. I already miss him and his sarcastic comments quite a bit. Jackie - running his little heart out this summer. He made the time for the mjolnir today in practice which is a pretty big deal for the cross country kids. He will be fighting for top 7 this year, but with his consistency I think he's got it. I think thats about all he is doing this summer. 7 am practice, rest, 2pm practice and then a swim workout and repeat. The parentals are living the good life as far as I know. Mom is ready to ship seth off so she can think about other things and dad is marathon training and still curing people's pain. Well there's your Wells family update. Life is good. Crazy but good.
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