seffy weffy
Or I guess its now elder seffy weffy. Cant believe we said goodbye this week... it feels like forever ago already - which means this has been a long, crazy week so buckle up. Well like I said, had to say goodbye to yet again another brother leaving on a mission. Its really kinda the worst. We all know I hate goodbyes so even the thought of saying goodbye makes me cry let alone dropping him off and some missionaries stealing him away into this compound known as the MTC. Rewind to earlier in the week... I was down in stg of course spending a few last days with seth.
Mom packing all of seth's stuff while he shows me everything in his room...
Or pretending to smoke
or getting distracted by Jackie. Moral of the story - mom packed while seth did nothing to help. But thats how it usually goes right? He also bowled with his buddies, we had some family goodbye parties, he played video games with drew and all the other quality stuff you do before you leave for two years. Tuesday we all headed up north - Mom, Drew and I a little bit earlier than the other three so we could get me all packed up and moved in to my new place. We made two trips and got the job done just in time to meet the other half of our family at The Chocolate (a fav spot in Orem).
You know we could never pass up a good pizookie.
Seth also enjoyed chick-fil-a for lunch and Cane's for dinner.
Spoiled little missionary. The next morning Mom and I headed to my old apartment to finish cleaning it and we got the job done! Hallelujah! Thank goodness for moms.
Lunch time was sethy's request of red taco or rock taco as he says it.
Also an Orem favorite. Then for the dreaded goodbyes...
Well before the real goodbyes we took some pictures and waited till exactly 1:45 which was his drop off time.
We probably spent an hour just chillin' at the temple.
I think I avoided seth on the walk back to the car because I knew if I looked at him or thought about hugging him goodbye my tears would start coming. And I was right. We were told once we got to the MTC only parents could get out of the car so all the siblings said their goodbyes at the temple. Once we got back to the car I just started bawling giving seth a hug. We drove around a few more minutes to waste a little more time and I just cried the whole time. We pulled into the MTC and people directed us into this underground parking garage and there are hundred of missionaries just waiting to greet everyone.
We got to the drop off place where seth had an assigned missionary there to take him, but lucky us we got to get out of the car and give him one more hug. Which was good, but also just meant more tears. This picture makes me cry purely because seth has tears in his eyes. HE CRIED. none of us thought he would so it made me cry more. Anyways enough with the sadness - He's in good hands in that little provo prison. I miss him so dang much, but this is what he is supposed to be doing. Those ohio people sure are lucky. Last family photo with just the six of us probably ever... crazy.
See ya later seffy.
Immediately drove to my apartment and turned in my keys. Outta there for good and I aint lookin back! peace out student housing!
And on to three days of work... very chill few days. This picture was taken because Crystal asked me if I knew how to set up a phone and take a picture from a far... like not hitting the button. So I set my phone up, turned on the timer and we took the picture. Her reaction: "Oh sh*t! Thats awesome!"
My throat and nose have been so dry recently. I have waken up every morning with a scratchy throat for probably three weeks now and my nose has been so bad too. Well as I was finishing getting ready for church this morning my nose started bleeding. Church started in 15 minutes and I was still at home trying to stop the flow. Also its my first week at my new ward... we'll see how it goes. More to come on that.
I drove back to provo today to go to my old ward one last time and to see my friends. Then I headed to the Provo temple to get some stuff done aka try and find seth. I saw a few companionships, but not elder wells sadly.
And over to Jesse's for dinner, dessert and our favorite show. I sure do miss living with her already. Its always hard moving especially when Im in this initial phase where it doesn't feel like home. I feel like Im just intruding on my new roommates space and I just miss my friends and what Im used to. And don't even get me started on how chaotic my room is right now. So yeah - don't love my new place yet but Im sure it'll get better.
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