Ok I honestly don't know the last decent blog I posted because life has just been insane. And if I'm being super honest I wrote that last sentence a week ago and haven't had time since to open my laptop SO now I really have no clue what this post is even about because Im so behind. But life is super good. Summer break - no school, just working and having fun. My social scene has been super fun recently which I think my parents are happy about haha. Its nice not having school at the moment so that I can actually make plans with friends on my days off. Days off have been filled with laying out with jesse and getting lunch together, hot tubbing and playing volleyball with our guy friends, and lots of movie nights. I also though spend a lot of my time off leaving town and I recently headed east to my favorite small town of Cleveland for some good cowgirl time.

Ive been dying to get back on a horse so Erin took off work and we headed out with the horses. Im on Ole mac again and I loved it even more than last fall. Last fall during the cattle drive was my first time riding a horse and I really wasnt nervous, but I definitely didnt do anything besides just have the horse walk along a trail pretty much. This time around I felt way more confident to take off on my own and Erin even showed me how to get the horse running. I was a little hesitant to have the horse run, but holy crap it was so fun. That was my favorite part.
I saw this here horny toad while riding and I literally hopped off so fast and caught the little guy. We checked up on the cows and even spotted a badger. A fun morning ride and I was ready to go riding again the next day.
We got to bottle feed a few baby calves.
The twins were prepping for stock show so they showed me how to show off the steer. And yes the twins ended up taking 1st and 2nd at the show.
Helped with the water
And now... my favorite new hobby... prairie dog huntin'. It was a freaking blast. We packed up our guns and headed to a few of Erin's grandpa's fields. We knocked two off (one each) and the first field, but it was so dang windy so it was tough.
The second field was a hoot. Erin popped off three that were all right by each other - just one right after another. Me on the other hand - kind of a funny story - Erin is driving the truck and I see one running across the field so I hang out the window like the above picture and I got the little sucker. Pretty epic. We were both just laughing our heads off having a good time.
Had to get a picture with my prized shot. Erin said I was gross for wanting to pick it up, but I gotta get the pic to send to my rock-chuck hunting dad. The last field I shot another one to make our grand total seven dogs. Trying to save the fields one prairie dog at a time. also dying to get back to emery county and do this again. Made for a super fun day and mama tara made me salmon for dinner. I love the hurst family and visiting them, learning and living their lifestyle.
Oh also erin got me an early birthday present - a wrangler t shirt and this here car magnet. She won't ever let me live it down - the one time I drove her car through the dutch bros drive thru I curbed her car so this is what I get haha.
Other random pictures: I made jesse come on a mile run with me. She did well and we even found a snail - obviously I had to pick it up.
Like I said - lunch and laying out. Im really loving having jesse be unemployed at the moment because then I always have a friend on my days off. This day our housing set up the corn dog truck outside of the pool so we went to get corndogs and little did we know they were free!! win win.
Cant forget a good self care day of a car wash and a little drink! Life really is good, its actually awesome right now. Not too much to complain about. The weather is finally nice, my friends are fun and work is good. Lots to be grateful for.
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