Welcome to New York!

 I hope everyone sang the title of this blog... at least I know one reader will know what song I'm talking about... ANYWAYS yes I went to new york this week. The beauty of only working three days a week - quick girls trips and not even having to take time off. BUT that looks a little something like this...

haha a very tired laynee at work, but worth it for a little getaway. SO I worked monday and tuesday. Tuesday was actually freaking crazy. A super busy day of discharging all my patients and then admitting a whole new load of people. Made the day go by fast though. Then my sweet coworker let me shower at her house real quick before she dropped me off at the airport! We love red eye flights!

Its just feels right to be back at an airport - its been too long. And this is just the start so Im pumped to be back in my traveling era. 

Met up with the gals. I thought it was funny because I show up to meet them in my sweats, no makeup and hair up with a to-go burger in hand. Sometimes I wonder how we ever became friends because we are so opposite. But I guess it works. The flight was good, but way too short. I slept the whole time, but that only gave me about 3.5 hours of sleep. We got to NYC around 5:30 am and I was POOPED. Like not doing well. I was so tired. We couldn't check in till later obviously so we dropped off our bags, got some breakfast and tried to kill some time. 

some very mediocre bagels for breaky

Showed Jesse times square - Its her first time in NYC

Stopped in at magnolia bakery to get some goodies to go, shopped a little and then landed ourselves at the local mcdonalds to rest until our room was available. We were able to check in around 10:30. I layed on the foot of my bed fully clothed, shoes still on, not intending to fall asleep right then and there, but I did. I zonked until 1pm. The girls got tickets to see Wicked on broadway (I had already seen it and didnt want to spend the money - plus I just wanted to nap more haha) so they walked to the play while I lounged around a little longer, showered and started on the decorating! So yes, we are here for a fun girls trip, but Ash recently got engaged so I figure why not turn this into a little surprise bachelorette celebration?! 

Lets just say she started crying when she walked in the room. I blew up a ton of balloons, hung the streamers, set out cute robes and sashes and sunglasses and tons of cute treats. A good way to start a wild night. 

A photo shoot is a must. I probably have a hundred pictures of ashley on my phone right now!

First stop is our fav pasta place. Its seriously called "Pasta Lovers" and its the greatest. We came here last year and knew we had to come back. 

Looking good on Times Square. All the photographers were harassing us all night, but I mean who wouldn't?! Watched some cool street performers and just bathed in the glory and stench of New york city. ahhh


Honestly I dug the sunglasses. Kinda cute. That night we just kinda messed around at the hotel and laughed all night long. We might have gotten a noise complaint called on us - but whats a bachelorette party without something like that happening?! Then we settled in for a movie and I think all of us were asleep within the first 30 minutes. 

Thursday morning - waffles were a must. Another one of our favs from last year. A little waffle hut in the near by park and the best thing on the menu - their waffle with sugary, carmelized bacon on top oh boy. I knew it was good, but then it was set in stone when Jesse said its the best thing she's ever had. 

Caught the subway to the 9/11 memorial and museum. The museum made me cry just as hard as it did the first time. A super interesting and terrible day to learn about. I cant imagine what it would've been like to be a new yorker on that day and to see the damage first hand. 

Its definitely one of my favorite parts of New york. Its in a cleaner part of town and not as psycho as the times square area. 

Joes pizza for lunch. Also a must. 

Top of the rock. This city looks pretty from up here. I definitely learned this trip that New York is a one and done type deal (at least for me) (Now I get how you feel mom). Its super fun to come see everything in real life that you've only seen pictures of or to learn about in real life versus what you've seen on the news or learned in history class. But if Im being quite honest - once you've seen all that stuff its just a gross weird city coming back the second time. Definitely not as grand as I remember it being last year, but thats ok. It was fun showing everything to jesse for the first time and celebrating ash for a few days. 

That night we saw Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on broadway. Oddly enough that makes three plays that Ive seen on broadway in my lifetime and thats weird. I would have never thought that I, Laynee Wells, would reach even one or two - but three?? Ya I'm shocked too. It was good. Very very long, but the magic was pretty incredible. There were some things they did that had me questioning all night how that was possible. 

Just some funny pictures...

The next day I spent the morning trying to find Emily haha it was a fail, but at least I tried. I guess the Lord wanted her to stay an obedient missionary so he hid her from me. Then some more shopping, walking around, stopped at the cake boss shop and got some cannoli's (I freaking love cannoli's), grabbed some lunch and said our goodbyes to the city. We luckily dodged a huge snow storm that was happening here in Utah. All I'm saying is we can stop with the prayers now. I think we are good. Its all fun and games for you people down south because its just rain, but these prayers are sending us snow up here and Ive had enough. But we made it safely to Salt Lake. I worked saturday morning so I just got a hotel for the night in SLC. I will say the three minute drive to work was freaking nice. Saturday was luckily a super chill work day. And I've enjoyed my one day off before the chaos ensues again tomorrow. Well its 8:30pm and you know what that means... bed time! Goodnight!


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