Everything will be OK

SORRY for a week late post, but look at the bright side - theres actually a lot of fun pics in this post so it was worth the wait I guess. Well, rewind to presidents day a couple weekends ago, I actually had the day off (what? since when do I not work???) I honestly feel like all my days off are when my friends work and vice versa so it was actually really fun to have a day off where my friends were also off. Our guy friends had the idea of heading up to the mountains and four wheeling/sledding. So we faced the snow and had a pretty dang fun afternoon. 

We drove around the snowy trails, tied up the sleds behind these bad boys, made some jumps and just messed around all afternoon. Luckily no one got too hurt... but we did have a couple helmets just in case. The boys would say "we can do stupid stuff because when we get hurt you are a nurse and can help us" yeah no, not something I want to happen haha. lets be real, anyone could call 911 just as good as I could. 

It was actually decent weather and when we would be ripping on the four wheelers it would actually get toasty in all of our layers. Its always a good time with these people. That night we headed to the movies to watch Titanic in 3D. 

Apparently its the 25th anniversary of the movie so they put it back in theaters and I was stoked. I only watched this movie for the first time a couple months ago, but I would say its top on my list and lets just say watching it in theaters made it 10x better. 10/10 presidents day. But umm the snow didnt stop there... it actually got worse. Wednesday came in and dumped! Bad! I worked six shifts in a row. Three day shifts, and evening swing shift and then two night shifts...

I snuck away from work for a few minutes to see Erin who was in the area for cancer scans. Still cancer free! 

Dinner with madi after my friday shift

and its not a night shift selfie without a blanket straight from the warmer. It was a solid week of work - I honestly don't remember too much so I guess I didnt have anything too crazy happen. I did have one patient for a lot of my shifts though... this flaming red head, Mr. lovendale, very strong member of the church and loved to talk about literally anything especially about his family, music and tai chi. He was in for a diabetic foot ulcer. I came back on my last night shift thinking he would've been discharged that day (that was the plan). Instead, I was told his infection wasnt getting any better and he would have to have his leg chopped off within the next few days. I went in to see him that night and surprisingly he was in really good spirits. He let me know that his brother had come in that day to give him a blessing and he knew everything would be ok. He was going to be getting his leg chopped off!! And I couldn't quite believe how he was ok with everything. He talked to me about having faith and knowing this was what needed to happen. In institute this week we also talked about this phrase of "Everything will be ok". We related this phrase to the story of jesus sleeping through the storm. We all have storms. Geez lets be real - whats life without a storm constantly brewing? And lets just keep being real... sometimes it feels like Jesus is just napping. Leaving these storms for us to fight alone - getting beat up and bruised or even getting our legs chopped off. Jesus slept through the storm, but awoke the minute his disciples called for him. All we need to do is call for him. And I loved being able to see my patient immediately call to him through this trial of his. I also love jesus's response "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?" We have no reason to fear. None at all when we are with our Savior. If he can immediately calm the tempests of the sea, Im pretty sure he can also help us through our daily storms. He can help calm the anxieties of losing an extremity. Everything will be ok. Now I need to take my own advice and apply it in my life. I feel like I have this huge storm of confusion right now just smacking me every which way. I was talking to a friend tonight about this and I told her that I just feel so confused and lost about so much that I don't even know where to start when it comes to calling out to my father in heaven. So honestly I haven't. Im caught in a rut and I know the only way out is through my savior. If i know thats my only way - how come sometimes its so hard to turn to him even though I know I need help? I don't know. If someone knows, please enlighten me. But this is me publicly stating Im gonna try to be better. Instead of fighting our storms alone - call up the Savior. He WANTS to calm our storms and heal our hearts. Everything will be ok. Man - I just really love that story. And by the way Mr. lovendale is doing really well since his leg amputation. 

On another spiritual note - Erin stayed with me a couple days and we hit up the temple! Love this place with my whole heart. 

We also partied hard at the Jazz game. Erin knows I won't spend money on a Jazz game so she hooked us up with free 14th row tickets from her uncle. It was a super fun night. Good game, Jazz lost by just a few points. 

A fun little then and now picture... Up top was March of 2021 we were on a double date and now March of 2023 chillin as single ladies. I would say this game was 10x more fun as single women haha. 

See when I work a week in a row I have so much time to actually have fun! I love it! Erin is the best for hanging with me and dealing with me 24/7. Even though we live on opposite ends of the state I probably talk to her more than any of my other friends. Grateful for her and all she does for me. 

And ending the blog with this cute little picture. Happy birthday to Sethy last week. He's grown up to be a pretty ok kid and I cant freaking believe he's graduating and leaving on a mission here soon. STOP GROWING UP - geez its pissin me off and honestly just makes me sad. He's a dang good baseball player, is freaking jacked in the gym, a ladies man for sure and the best bowler I know. I love you sethy and miss you tons. This is Seth and jack before their preference dates on saturday. I may be biased, but they are definitely the cutest (also weirdest) brothers in school. In other news, Ive been seeing doctors out the wazoo recently. I had a CT of my head the other day, hoping to find answers to my constant headache, but the CT came back normal. So still just dealing with a headache. This week I made some time for a facial which you know I love. Im a sucker for a good deal, especially on skin care. And to start off the week tomorrow Im getting my ingrown toenail removed. yay! lets hope I can put a shoe on by wednesday (thats when I work next). Oh also I started the worst class yet of my BSN program. Really, really excited to graduate and be done for awhile with school. Well life is alright, hanging in there, but I know everything will be ok... especially because Im gonna be in the bahamas in less than a month (eek) Hahah. Ok thats it. Byee


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