As Im thinking back on this week I couldn't remember anything that happened of importance... I mean except for the fact that little sethy got his MISSION CALL!! Me and drew got together that evening for dinner and facetimed the family. We all said our predictions and very anxiously awaited seths arrival home from baseball and another friends opening. I think we were all pretty excited and nervous. Crazy to think its seth's turn already. I swear drew's opening was last year. Anyways... Cincinnati, Ohio is the lucky mission that gets to be seth's home the next two years. It makes me emotional thinking about him leaving. 1. because I don't like it when my family leaves me and 2. because Im so proud. Im so grateful everyday to be apart of such a cool family. A super awesome, hard-working, righteous family. I love them so dang much and even though I hate seeing my brothers leave - Im so excited for all the good that seth will be able to do in ohio.

He's excited and from what I can tell - he's pretty dang prepared to go serve the Lord. We have until July 17th then this guy turns into Elder Wells. And we plan on partying hard until then - seriously. My schedule includes working and going down to st. george every chance I can over the next few months.

Other updates: I got my ingrown toenail removed on monday! and I've had no pain at all which is such a blessing. Ive been doing lots of homework trying to get ahead in school. I think I only have about a month to five weeks left!!! The rest of the week was work! It was a quality week work. I feel like a week like this leaves me just really appreciating my job. Its not always rainbows and butterflies, but its so worth it and I love it. I had this one heart transplant patient on all my shifts and he was the best. Ricky from Texas - one of a very few patients who always smelled good. He was very diligent in his hygiene everyday (which is always appreciated) and loved to soak his feet in hot water with almond oil. It made his room smell so dang good. I think I won best nurse when I made him Hot coco one night and he says "Oh thank you baby girl" haha. This week I received my yearly evaluation email at work... I have to fill it out by the first of May and I cant even believe its almost been a whole year of being a nurse. weird. I cooked dinner for drew today and got to hang out for a little after church. I love living where I do because I get to see drew a couple times a week. Still trying to figure out where to live in a couple months...kind of frustrating. I love my job in SLC - but don't want to live there even though it makes the most sense. I want to stay in Utah county but I don't know where and commuting just isn't the move forever. SO I figure why not move to hawaii?!?! but then Im REALLY far from family so I don't know... guess we'll have to wait and see. I know Ill end up where I need to be somehow. Well thats about it. Ready to grind out this week of school and work and get ready for some traveling!!! finally!!!
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