Since I was late to blogging last weekend... I already blogged about the fun things I did this week so this blog will consist of pretty much nothing. Actually it will consist of me being a boss woman and working hard. One particular morning at work I was the only day shifter to be given four patients - which at the VA is a "full load". One of my patients being an LVAD patient who only a couple hours later was put on step-down status which means a lot of more work for me and closer monitoring. The night shift charge nurse that gave the patient assignments for the day stopped me to let me know she was sorry for the heavy load, but she knew I could handle it. She said "lets be real, out of everyone here you are the one that can do it. " I know any of my coworkers could've done it just fine and luckily on my unit we all work together really well and help each other out a lot so yes I did get lots of help that day. BUT it sure does feel good to know my coworkers think highly of me and trust me with difficult assignments even though I'm still the most baby nurse on the unit. No one died - except for maybe my feet by the end of the day - but it was all good. So I worked hard friday with my four patients and ended up discharging three by the end of the day which set me up for a solid one patient on saturday which was a nice break. but man slow days like that drag on and on when you are there for 12 hours.

Thank you mom for stocking me up on costco food - its the only food I have at the moment. Saturday I had to come home from work and take a final. Boss womaning it up am i right?! Like Ive said before I love being busy - it makes me feel good. Maybe its weird, but it makes me feel good to know Im being productive and working hard while getting a greater education and just creating a smarter, better me. ESPECIALLY when it seems like this world is so lazy now. Anyways I mean Im not saying I was excited to take this final, just more ready to get it over with. Well, funny story - final was due saturday night at 11:59 and I started the test around 9:30ish. It was an open book final so I wasnt too worried especially because I had a really good grade in the class to where all I needed was a 10/88 to pass the class. So Im taking my final - exhausted from a long day, headache and not really caring that much. Im trying to skim through my book to find the answers and really not having any success. The questions on the test would say something like "on page 156 find the four questions about cultural competency and answer them for yourself" I would flip to that page and literally not find these four questions that the test talked about... yep I had ordered the wrong textbook. Last night was my first time using the textbook all semester so I had no clue until half way through the final when I realized it was the wrong edition. So yup... I flopped that test. Actually still cranked out a 66/88 which is 75% giving me a 92% in the class. Barely an A-!!! Woohoo one more class down. Only six more weeks of school and Im done... for now!!! Been starting to look at masters programs and its getting me re-excited for school, but for now Im pumped for a little break from homework.

Sunday after church looked like this. Ive been having really bad pressure in my head. My sinuses just ache and my eyeballs hurt and yeah its not fun. Ive already been on one course of antibiotics that didnt do anything and honestly, the pressure is only getting worse so I finally caved and went to instacare today. He gave me a prescription for a steroid nasal spray and another round of antibiotics. Lets hope this does something or else sheesh I don't know what else Im going to do. On the bright side today was actually a pleasant day here in northern utah. Clear skies, sunny and not freeze your butt off cold. Im really hoping this isn't some sick joke and that it doesn't come to snow on us tomorrow. Im sick of snow and just ready for sunny spring weather. So fingers crossed this isn't a false alarm. I know I complain about living up here, lack of sleep due to work and school and everything else, but I know Im so blessed. I am happy to be doing what I love, to be surrounded by so many good people and to have the opportunities Ive been given. Well my head is pounding so Im going to go to bed. goodnight!!
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