A stg getaway

 The weather up here is killing me. Its honestly the worst. I wasnt planning on coming home this last weekend due to school and just feeling the need to stay up north and get things done, but last week I decided what the heck. I NEED to go home for a little bit, so I did. And of course Im so happy I did. I drove home right after my shift on thursday night... with some help from good ole dr. Pepper I rolled in to the driveway right before midnight. Friday we got to watch sethy play some ball!!

Even though its st. george we still had to bundle up for some friday night baseball. 
So fun watching seth play and straight up sad to think its his senior year. Lots of big things happening for seth over the next few months. 

Mom is the smart one here. 

Friday we also cleaned the church. Saturday Dad and I ran the mayors loop before heading back to the fields to watch more baseball. Drew and emma, his girlfriend, also joined us for the weekend. No pictures, but it was fun having them here. 

Saturday night we were the boujee people sitting court side at the Dixie State basketball game. Honolulu grill catered for dinner before the game and at halftime we had cupcakes, ice cream, popcorn and soda. Living the good life ahah. We lost, but still fun to have front row seats. I love being able to come home to st. george knowing that I get to see my grandparents and cousins and so forth. Grateful we all live super close and get to spend so much time together. Sunday was a treat because we were able to listen to seth speak in church. He spoke about preparing for a mission and thats when it kind of hit me - oh crap he's like doing this. Its his time. Since when is he not like a little 12 year old playing on the little league baseball team. I swear that was last year. But yes, he's doing this - preparing for a mission and he gave a pretty dang good talk. Proud of you sethy, even though you'll never see this. 

Monday was bike ride day. Whenever I come home I always try to make time for some quality runs, mountain bike rides or time in zion. Jem trail has been my recent favorite. For some reason I kinda struggled this particular ride on the uphill, but oh well we made it and of course crushed the downhill. Always the funnest part. St. george was very on and off with the weather this weekend. One day would be sunny and warm and the next gloomy and chilly. But Ill take whatever sun I can get. Tuesday - valentines day (we don't celebrate this day) was a rainy and actually snowy day. Took grandma to mad pita for lunch with my mom and then got to visit with landree and her kiddos. Like I said - love all the family time. Everyone seems to be doing well. Packed up my stuff and headed back up north today. I already miss my family and home. But ill manage as usual until the next time I can come down. Love you guys and good night!!!


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