The why

 Ahh another very boring week and yet another very boring blog. Enjoy. 

Monday was spent doing errands which included some shopping! 92 dollar jacket that I paid 27$ for!! Id say thats a win. 

I also made this pretty dang good homemade chicken noodle soup that fed me and drew for the whole week. The cold, flu and everything else are in full swing so I chug OJ in the morning and eat chicken noodle soup in the evening - sickness has no chance with those two in my body. 

and chill evenings with the roommates featuring jesse's family's armenian meat pies. They are dang good and luckily her fam made a TON of them for thanksgiving so jesse has been supplying us. 

And finally ended my week with work. It was a good few days of patients, nothing too crazy which is how I like it. Saturday I didnt have to go in until 3pm so I was able to be productive all morning which felt super nice. Its honestly a pretty dang good feeling to wake up and be a boss. Like staying busy when Im off and then going into the hospital for a quick 8 hour shift and keeping up with the chaos of the unit. And then ending my night with a midnight mcdonalds run haha. There was no huge turning point this week, but for some reason this week i felt really good at work. Im starting to feel a lot more confident (still so much to learn now and forever) and starting to really feel respected and trusted by the people I work with. Im still "the baby nurse" on the unit, but its nice to notice the progress and to have my coworkers notice and tell me the progress they are seeing in me. 
Today in sacrament meeting I really enjoyed our first counselors testimony. He talked about why we are the way we are. Who or what is behind the scenes making us how we are? My first thought was obviously my savior. Most everything I do or don't do is somewhat related to my love and desire to be more like christ. I also thought of my friends and family. I am who I am because of them. This also ties back into Christ. My family and friends motivate me to be better, do better and come closer to my savior. And geez that is so important to surround yourself with those kind of people. While thinking about this topic I thought about how important it is to make it known your why. Im not sure if that makes sense, but for instance, I find it a huge compliment when my patients who are members of the church know that I am too and are comfortable enough to tell me about their experiences on their missions and so forth. I love that my coworkers know Im a member of the church just because of the way I act at work or the things I avoid saying or consuming. Its definitely something Im still working on, but i want to continually show my heavenly father and Jesus christ that they are my "whys" by the way I live my life. Long way to go, but its always fun to have something to work towards. Speaking of working towards something... Im going through the temple soon! I just want to go through tomorrow, but probably the first of the year. Exciting!! Also how is it december?! Where does the time freaking go?! I hate it. But I do love the holidays and I love the new year, so its all exciting. Well, now that Ive typed a 5 page essay - I think thats it for the week. Love and miss you guys lots, have a good week! (Ill try to take more pictures for next weeks blog)


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