Hello hello hello! Dang this last week was a busy one. Good thing I enjoy being busy. So this week I worked an easy three 12's. For some reason weeks with that extra fourth day of work are just exhausting, but this week was chill. I worked tuesday, wednesday and friday. Friday was an awesome day. It wasnt awesome for any of the other nurses, but I loved it because we were short staffed and super busy which means I got to be by myself pretty much all day! I was able to take care of 2/3 of our patients all alone all day. I was also the one that all the nurses asked to do random things they were too busy for like draw labs, hang antibiotics, etc. So I was honestly able to get to know a ton of the patients we had on the floor because I was popping in to help everyone. I feel like the best way to learn sometimes is to just be thrown in to the chaos and just figure it out. And thats what friday was - I loved it. There was one point where my preceptor nurse, becky, called me and asked where I was and if I was doing ok. We hadnt seen each other all morning because we were both just so busy. I looked at the clock while in a patients room and couldn't believe it was already 1:30pm. Around 3pm me and becky finally reunited and sat down to chart some stuff real quick. Neither of us had eaten, drinken or peed all day. I scarfed down a donut I saw in the break room and then got back to work till 5ish when things had finally chilled down. Good good day and just a good, happy week at work. Ok now for the fun things about this week that I actually have pictures of....

Who doesn't love getting botox on a ghetto college apartment couch at 11 o'clock at night?!
I was able to hit up a few of my friends this week - they're all obsessed so Im happy about it. Please notice the death grip ashley has on poor jesse's hand. I really enjoy poking people for some reason and to know that they like their results make me enjoy it even more. I would really like to do something bigger with this in the future, but for now I guess Ill just stick to ghetto couches and bad lighting haha.
A couple random selfies of the week... getting treats with the gals.
Ive got them hooked on dutch bros chocolate milk.
Mega-bed is the only way to watch movies with friends. Grateful for these goons. Friday after work I headed straight to the SLC rodeo. I don't have pictures, but it was a good time. I need to find me a cowboy.
Saturday morning me and jess met up with some friends and went boating. Such a fun way to start the weekend, but man my old woman body is wrecked after tubing. I woke up sunday morning and couldn't move my neck haha. Still fun and will be doing it again soon.
Flag girl
It got a little chilly when the clouds moved in, but it was still a vibe. I love boating so dang much and I was just happy to be there. The rest of saturday was super chill. I had a paper due for school so I did that and napped.
Sunday!!! I love church! and I love getting free food from ysa wards haha! I called dibs on the chocolate milk obviously. After church we went straight to jesse's parents and had yummy steak for dinner. We love the dean family, they take good care of us.
and of course we visited the llamas.
In church, our second counselor talked about Jesus being the master healer. I just love that. No matter what we are going through he can help us, heal us and he's with us every step of the way. Im not perfect at reading my scriptures or praying or giving time to the lord during the week, but I love the reminder that church is every week of how much I love and need my savior. I need that slap in the face every week haha.

Right after dinner at Jesse's house I went and hung out with Madi and kelsi so that is why the blog is a little late... but that brings us to this morning. I slept in, worked out, gave myself some botox, grocery shopped, meal prepped, and now blogging before I go hang out with some friends. Not gonna lie - I feel pretty cool being able to give myself injections. And just thinking about all the money Im going to save the rest of my life haha. Anyways - life sure is good. I got my first paycheck what?!?! And this is my last week of class before finals next week. Im excited for a little break from school for a week or two. Ive been struggling to stay motivated, but hopefully fall semester will be better. Love you all so much. I love blogging and having my life documented. I love learning and growing and doing hard things. Life is super good. <3
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