What a week!! honestly so many emotions. SO MANY. Highs and lows and everything in between. Also shoutout to mom for the title of this blog. A very relevant title though if we are being serious. Well this week was my first official full week of being a nurse. So lets start from the beginning... Monday was my 8 hour shift of the week. The hardest part of my day is waking up at 5:20am. Its been even more difficult because I haven't been sleeping well due to my anxiety of missing my alarm in the morning and being late for work. So thats awesome. Luckily my body is getting a little more used to this schedule each day so thats good. Anyways, 8 hour day is easy peasy. 12 hour days aren't terrible either. They fly by usually and it helps that I really enjoy being at the hospital. Now a 12 hour day after three full days of working... thats rough. After day three of working I was dead and seriously wondering if I would be able to get through the next day. But as always I managed. My patients this week ranged from the sweetest old men, the raddest badA woman and the straight up meanest, nastiest guys. And thats what makes this job so exciting - you never know what the day has in store. One of my favorite patients of the week was this man who had remaining effects of a stroke from a little bit ago. Slurred speech, very weak, impaired mobility and super hard of hearing. His room was right by the nurses station due to his fall risk and he loved to sit in his chair and blast music from his tv all day long. Monday was classic rock all day long. Tuesday was country music which carried on into wednesday and he even ended wednesday with some classical. The sweetest old man and he really brought the good vibes to the whole dang unit with his music. Even after a week I have so many sweet stories to tell, but also a lot of unpleasant ones as well. One day Im leaving work with excitement and tears of joy and love and the next Im leaving drained and just ready to sleep. Overall its been such a cool week though. I love my job. There is SO much to learn and yes, its overwhelming, but I love it.

This week I have been more tired than ever and with this new work schedule I have learned the importance of time management, adequate sleep and also making time to still have fun. Without taking time to have fun I know Ill burnout soooo lucky me... Erin was in SLC for a couple days! I got to go out to eat with her tuesday night and stay the night at her hotel with her. Friend time and saving money on gas woohoo! She was up north to get her quarterly cancer scans and good news - she's still cancer free!
Wednesday night after a tough day I treated myself to a good 4 mile run and introduced jesse to the magic of dutch bros chocolate milk. Its the little things right?
And a quick intermission of my life to some actually fun content....
While I was working, these fools were playing. Family vacation minus Laynee. The fam got to spend the week in california playing in the waves, seeing a baseball game, riding jet skis, shopping and who knows what else. I was only a little sad, but glad they got to have a fun week. Not gonna lie - kind of weird seeing all my brothers looking like full grown men though. Thursday after my last shift of the week I headed to stg. I had a long weekend so why not. Well lets just say I won't be driving home after a 12 hour shift again anytime soon. I have never been so close to falling asleep on the road before. It was painful trying to keep my eyes open - I made it home and alive to tell the story, but it was pretty dumb of me.

Friday I spent the day doing nothing! I did a little homework I guess, but seriously just lounged by the pool and napped ALL DAY! The rest of the fam got home that evening and the boys wanted to head to the track to time a mile. Drew hit an impressive 5:40 mile in over 100 degrees plus just barely eating at BJ's and sitting in a car all day.

Saturday morning Drew, Dad and I hit up the marathon course for a solid 10 miler. I felt freaking great. Legs felt strong and lungs felt amazing then the pain hit me the last couple of miles. I blame the down hill, but hopefully its just a little tight muscle pain. Still a solid run and gave me a lot of confidence. After the run I surprised the birthday girl with a morning chocolate milk and breakfast at kneaders! Later that day I guess my body still needed to recover from the last week so I ended up falling asleep at 4pm for what I thought was going to be an hour long nap. Well I woke up at 9pm and then went straight back to bed till 8:30am. 16 hours of sleep later and Im still pumped to go to bed tonight.

And a sunday tradition - spin scootering to the fields to look for baseballs. I love the sabbath day and the refresher it is for my week. I love coming to stg and spending time with family, but I also love living up north and working and living my own life doing what I want. Life is pretty dang good. I love it and Im grateful for a lot.
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