Merry CHRISTmas
Its the most wonderful time of the year!! We love christmas and everything that comes with this season...
Last sunday we spent the evening with the Wells family. We usually spend christmas eve with them, but sometimes life gets busy and traditions have to be tweaked a little - so we celebrate "christmas eve" the sunday before christmas. It works well because everyone is still in town. Lauri's mexican for dinner, candy guessing games and grandma's awesome pow wow and presents. I talked with Traci and Emily about picking a day of the week and learning how to make Traci's sourdough bread...
Wednesday morning - me and emily headed to traci's. she was kind enough to give us our own starters and show us her tips and tricks to making the best sourdough loaves. It was super fun and Im kind of hooked. Ive made four loaves in the last two days and Im getting ready to make some more. If anyone wants bread... let me know!
^first loaf and now my fourth loaf...
I gave some to our neighbors today... they called me betty crocker. Kind of fun to have a new little hobby and way to spend my time. Plus I get to make people happy by giving them yummy bread. I dig this new "homemaker" laynee.
Now for Christmas eve... rainy morning and me and dad decided to get up nice and early to hit the gym. 7am we were practically the only ones at the climbing gym. Ive been trying to get this over hang for a couple weeks now. It was the first climb of the morning. Its all easy, but the over hang - I just haven't been able to muscle my way up or nail down the technique needed to finish it. Well I climbed up the first part and took a nice break before starting the tough part. I used my legs as much as I could to keep my body close to the wall and I did it. I muscled my way to the top - finally! it felt so dang good. We did another few climbs and were there a couple hours. Before leaving I decided to full send this route one more time, because it really is just a fun climb. I ended up climbing the first part faster than normal (Ive practiced that part so many times now haha) and decided to just keep going, no break and full send the over hang. And I freaking did it. Man, that was a good morning. My hands were pretty ripped up after, but I was so happy to actually crush that climb finally. Next stop was the annual Dixie rock hike.
The rains stopped and left us with a pretty morning on the dixie.
pictured here is beautiful stg, me and jack x2 and mom and kason
preaching the gospel to some guy from illinois.
Model shots of my super photogenic family.
We all fit!
And to celebrate all fitting - lunch at buffalo wild wings. Probs couldn't have fit after lunch lol. The rest of the day was spent watching movies, a last minute trip to the store, and final preparations for christmas!
Matching family pjs and Home Alone that night.
The boys were not about the matching jammies haha seth said "Im getting gay vibes" from the pjs, but I thought they were a hit. and I vote they happen again next year when drew is home! Speaking of drew he is doing well and had a full day of appointments on christmas! no better day of the year to teach about Christ!
I was a cool sister this year and actually slept with the boys. I only half way regret it due to jack snoring in my face and seth having to sleep in the coldest of conditions - still fun.
Seth - with this baby he'll be working towards that perfect score #300
Christmas morning at grandmas. A banger breakfast as usual.
Nothing like a neighborhood game of street hockey on Christmas Day. I kid you not the weather was seriously perfect - actually kinda toasty for being december. I loved it.
Last but no where near least, homemade cafe rio for dinner!
And us still sitting at the kids table. I say it all the time, but I love family and the time I get to spend with them. Well thats a wrap on Christmas 2021. I love Christmas, but I am excited to get on with the new year. I guess I started christmas music too early this year, because I really am just over it. But just because christmas is over, doesn't mean the spirit of it is. Im excited to continue to grow my relationship with christ, learn more of him and rely on him more and more each day. As I have studied The Living Christ and all of jesus's titles I wanted to name my favorites and the ones I have most related to this last year... Corner stone - "an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based." A corner stone is necessary to have a sturdy building - Im not perfect and I don't always depend on Christ like I should, but dang when I do I never feel more sturdy. When I rely on him I know I will be ok. He will keep me standing and not let me completely crumble. Another is Healer - So that when I do feel like I'm falling or crumbling down I know he is there to heal me. To heal my imperfect spirit, broken heart, troubled mind, what ever it is he is there to fix it. So many names of Christ that are just amazing, but honestly he's my go-to. He's that friend you can call at 3am and you know he will do anything for you. He's the friend you can FaceTime for hours and you know will cheer you right up. He's the friend who knows Im having a bad day so he buys me hot cheetos. ya know what Im saying? He's just like that. And its important to have someone like that. Kinda nice that we all have HIM that can be that for us. Merry Christmas everyone! I sure do love you all!
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