Lake Pals

 This trip has become a fam fav here at the wells house. This year we got the whole dang family together and it was chaotic, but such a party. It was a fun little family reunion to celebrate the life of grandpa. 20 years ago he passed away and it was so much fun to all gather on top of the houseboat and reminisce on the memories and for us grandkids to learn more about him and what he was like. This trip also included nonstop swimming, eating, pull up contest, cliff jumping, epic tubing wipeouts, getting thrown off the seadoo and LOTS of surfing!! Its an understatement to say we LOVE lake powell. Lots of good times were had and only one major injury so I guess it was a success! 

The storms would roll in in the evenings and we loved it. Gave us all some time to relax together at the house boat and take a break from going hard out on the lake. And it was nice to sit up top and enjoy the clouds.

miller made five bucks giving dad a massage. Nothing beats being with family on the houseboat with a plate of good food and catching up on life and being sunburned and tired from a long day of having fun. 

Me and Em slept up top and guys it was actually the best sleep Ive ever gotten at the lake. We made a barricade with the extra mats to block the sun and the weather was perfect so I slept in till 6am! That never happens when you sleep up top! And yes 6am is usually very early but at that lake that is the perfect time to get up and get surfing. Im obsessed with surfing. 

I feel like this is the picture that describes the lake so well... I love it

Dad shredding it up

Evan shredding and dad stealing the spotlight haha

Jack shedding it up

And what is a lake trip without someone getting hurt?? Well James took one for the team. One of the cleats on the boat punctured the bottom of his foot as he was jumping off the boat and onto the dock to help bring the boat in. Pretty gnarly deep wound, but luckily mason had a suture kit on board and him and dad were able to clean and stitch up the foot. Half the family was intently watching the procedure taking place out front while the other half of the family was avoiding the situation all together to save their stomachs. 

As we were driving in to the marina (the storm was coming) there was a few things we found floating in the water... we circled back and figured we should clean up the lake. So a couple things we found - a freaking nice life jacket, a brand new lake powell hat and weed. We all died when we picked up this capri sun looking pouch and looked closer to see that nope it was actually a package of marijuana. 

We could've had an extra good time that night but instead we disposed of it and I washed my hands generously after touching that thing. Oh and that night there happened to be a fight at the marina with a few drunk guys and so cops were flooding into the area. We jokingly (maybe seriously) kept saying sheesh they are coming for our weed haha. 

cliff jumping the last day. I swear it was a massive cliff. After a while of waiting I did end up jumping. Never been a fan of cliff jumping, but it was pretty fun. The kiddos loved it as usual. 

I love my family and I love lake powell. Missed seth (was sick) and drew (still on a mission duh, only one year left!!!). Thank you to mandy and mason for a good time as always. Already looking forward to next year! Some other random updates and pictures...

even more surfing with the schimmys!!! probably the last of the summer :,(

Headed up north to move apartments!! goodbye Axis and soon to be hello Branbury!! I'm so pumped to live with my bestie!! 

And we harvested new potatoes! could this week get any better?! To be honest, I've been out of town like all summer so I haven't even gotten to see the garden till now and dang. I sure do love the end of the summer because of all the harvesting we get to do! And yes we made all those potatoes and ate them ALL for lunch! YUM

Picked lots of sage and got a few squash as well. 
Corn and beans to come - I'm pumped. 

Dad going to check on the rock chucks - I think we've got them all taken care of, for now at least. 

Playing Guess Who in the toy room with sethy. 

That evening we headed up to Kyle and Jo's for Evans birthday! The big 15. Celebrated with dutch oven chicken and potatoes, cake, yard games, a fire and hammocking. Well as you can see life is good and I sure am happy. How could I not be though? 


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