Alright, this week Ive actually done things other than school which means I have things to write about!! To start off the week, I was in st. george still on fall break. After about a week off school I was ready to get back in the groove of things and finish off this semester so I headed back up north on wednesday afternoon. I made a pit stop in cedar for the state XC championship races. That's right... cedar city... for state! how crappy?! I would've been so sad to run my senior year of state on the cedar course but once again corona strikes and screws things up so we gotta roll with it. To be honest I wasnt too crazy pumped to watch the races because this is the first year I really don't know anyone on the team. The girls were up first and as they were on the line waiting for the gun, I just started tearing up. All the feels of running state were coming back and it just made me sad. First of all because I miss racing, especially in high school. My life was literally dedicated to cross back then. And second because I just miss running in general. Im so ready to just strap a pair of shoes on again and do a good speed workout. Or even a tempo run and tbh those suck. Anywho, it was kinda sad, but I enjoyed cheering and remembering what it was like to compete. The girls ended up second overall and the boys state champs.

Later in the week, friday night, my Europe friends came over to hang out. We made dinner and hit up a haunted house. I was actually very impressed with this haunted house (I could totally be a HH critique). It was a long HH, with good scares, multiple floors and it was pretty cheap. Did not disappoint. My voice was pretty much gone afterwards, but I love a good scare - or in this case like a hundred good scares.

So this guy was roaming the parking lot. He literally scared us before we had even gotten in line. He acts like he is going to throw this pumpkin at you, which he does, but its on a retractable string or something so its kind of cool. I legit jumped out of the way real quick when I thought he was hucking this huge pumpkin at me. Good times. Madi slept at my place and we stayed up making tiktoks. I still think its so cool that I became such good friends with these peeps in europe. So cool. the next night I had plans with some girls in the ward to carve pumpkins and hang out. Look at me! Ive been so busy wow I actually do have friends. It was fun. I met a lot of new people and I carved a dope pumpkin.
My pumpkin was two-faced because neither of my very detailed carvings took too long haha. All the other girls were so artistic and intricate - then there was me. Im proud of how totally not artsy I am. #ownit
Happy almost Halloween!!
Oh wait...
Merry Christmas??
Really though THIS is what I woke up to this morning. I was seriously so shook. and straight up angry. This is another reason I don't know who would want to live up here. Luckily the roads were clear. and its 4:30 pm right now and most all of it is melted so that is good. Still shook it snowed though. speaking of christmas only like a week until christmas music!!
Last but not least... a little tribute. Earlier this week grandma called to let me know little aussie had passed away. I am in no way a dog person, but dang I love these dogs. I know their old and they cant live forever but that was some sad news to hear. I just hope Odie is ok now that his brother is gone. RIP aussie, we miss ya buddy. My favorite dogs out there <3
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